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File Number: 19-011 <br />The two part-time Parking Aides who are assigned to parking enforcement have other assigned <br />traffic duties. Additionally, it has been challenging for the City to maintain full staffing of the five <br />budgeted part-time positions. As with the current status, it is common for the City to have multiple <br />vacancies at any given time, which negatively impacts the effectiveness of the operation and <br />requires constant attention via the recruitment and onboarding processes. The current structure <br />provides inconsistent enforcement of the San Leandro Downtown parking garage and infrequent <br />enforcement of time-restricted parking in the downtown. <br />Analysis <br />On October 5, 2018 the City of San Leandro released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to evaluate <br />private contractor’s ability to provide parking enforcement services for the City of San Leandro. <br />Staff research finds that retaining a private contractor to enforce local parking regulations is a <br />feasible solution, given the current limited capacity of the City to perform this service. Other <br />California cities currently use private contractors to enforce local parking regulations (e.g. City of <br />Vallejo, City of Antioch, and City of Union City). <br />This approach could include a requirement that the existing two part-time Parking Aides be <br />offered employment with the private contractor. <br />The next step for this proposed approach is to amend the Municipal Code to allow other City <br />employees and contractors to enforce the local parking regulations as designated by the Chief of <br />Police. <br />City staff identified third party contracting, or the employment of other City employees as <br />designated by the Chief of Police, as potential resources to ensure adequate enforcement of the <br />local ordinance governing parking enforcement of vehicles within the City. The utilization of these <br />resources may lead to more effective parking enforcement and compliance. <br />In order to establish this approach, the City of San Leandro Municipal Code needs to be <br />amended to include other City employees and contractors (Exhibit A). <br />Current Agency Policies <br />City Council Goals: <br />·Place San Leandro on a firm foundation for long-term fiscal sustainability. <br />·Advance projects and programs promoting sustainable economic development, including <br />transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation. <br /> <br />Previous Actions <br />On September 19, 2016, the City Council, acting as the governing body of the Successor Agency <br />to the City of San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, approved the transfer of $600,000 in former <br />Redevelopment Agency bond funds to the City of San Leandro for implementation of parking <br />improvements. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/30/2019