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On time performance for the Flex Shuttle Bus is determined by the departure and <br />arrival time of each bus at the start/finish point. To be on-time, each bus must <br />depart the start point no later than five (5) minutes after the scheduled depart time <br />for each run, or arrive back at the finish point no later than five minutes after the <br />scheduled arrival time for each run. The minimum on-time performance measure <br />requires that ninety-seven (97) percent of all scheduled runs depart and arrive at the <br />start/finish point within five (5) minutes of the published schedule time. No bus <br />will depart a designated bus stop before the scheduled depart time. <br />Service <br />On-time Performance <br />Shuttle Bus <br />Achieve 97% on-time performance: <br />"On-time" = all scheduled runs depart and arrive at the <br />start/finish point within 5 minutes of the published <br />schedule time. <br />Bus Dwell Time <br />Flex Shuttle: The Shuttle may not leave the shuttle stop prior to the scheduled <br />depart time. <br />In -Service Vehicle Replacement <br />The CONTRACTOR will be expected to provide an appropriate replacement <br />vehicle as soon as possible, but no more than sixty (60) minutes, of a service <br />disruption resulting from a vehicle breakdown or accident. <br />F. OVERVIEW OF RESPONSIBILITIES <br />Responsibilities of the CITY <br />The CITY's responsibilities include, but are not limited to: <br />• Oversight of the operating contract. <br />• Service marketing, including the design, printing and distribution of service brochures <br />and marketing materials. <br />• Establishment of service goals, objectives, policies and standards. <br />• Establishment of fare policy. <br />• Eligibility certification. <br />• Completing grant documentation, funding applications and Measure BBB Paratransit <br />reports. <br />• Establishing bus stop locations and negotiating approval for bus stops located on <br />private property. <br />• Establishment, approval and revision of schedules and scheduling parameters. <br />Non -Professional Services Agreement between January 1, 2019 <br />City of San Leandro and MV Transportation, Inc.—Exhibit A Page 4 of 14 <br />