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Agmt 2019 CSA MV Transport for Flex Shuttle Services #3483
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2019 CSA MV Transport for Flex Shuttle Services #3483
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8Q Consent 2018 1119
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Before hiring or assigning a driver, the CONTRACTOR will have completed a criminal <br />background check on the individual. This check will be conducted through a commercially <br />available service for Alameda County. No person who has been convicted of any felony <br />or a misdemeanor for a crime against a person (including but not limited to murder, <br />attempted murder, assault, sexual assault, or battery) shall be assigned to service or deliver <br />service under this contract. As used in this paragraph, "convicted" includes a jury verdict, <br />a determination of guilt after a trial by judge, a guilty plea or a plea of nolo contendere or <br />no contest. The CONTRACTOR, to the best of their knowledge, will notify the CITY of <br />any such charges brought after a driver is employed. If the CITY desires a national or FBI <br />background check, CONTRACTOR will submit fingerprint cards to CITY police <br />department, who will conduct the background check. <br />Vehicle operators must have a valid California driver's license of the appropriate <br />classification for the vehicle type to be driven, as well as any other licenses or certifications <br />required by applicable federal, state or local regulations. The CONTRACTOR must also <br />comply with the requirements of the Drug Free Work Place Act of 1988 and U.S. <br />Department of Transportation drug testing regulations to the extent they are legally <br />enforceable. Drivers are expected to observe all federal, state and local regulations and <br />ordinances governing the safe operation of a commercial, public transit vehicle. <br />No driver shall be employed or assigned to the CITY service who has had a conviction for <br />Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI). No driver shall <br />be employed or assigned to the CITY service who has more than five (5) points against <br />their driver's license within the past three (3) years or has received six (6) or more <br />substantiated service complaints. <br />Drivers must be licensed for a minimum of three (3) years; be able to read, write, speak, <br />and understand English. <br />Prior to final assignment, all drivers must participate in and successfully complete the <br />standardized driver orientation and training course administered by the CONTRACTOR. <br />Drivers shall be required by the CONTRACTOR to wear uniforms and identification <br />badges that are approved by the CITY. Drivers will at all times maintain proper grooming <br />and personal hygiene. All drivers must have accurate timepieces available at all times <br />during vehicle operation. <br />If required by the passenger, drivers will provide assistance between the bus and the first <br />set of exterior doors at the trip origin or destination. This could include help carrying up <br />to two (2) grocery bags or small packages. <br />Drivers will collect all data required by the CITY to be used in preparing reports and <br />passenger surveys. Drivers will update all hardcopy manifests as directed by the <br />dispatcher, and record walk-on boardings by designated bus stop. Separate manifests will <br />be maintained for each individual scheduled run. <br />Non -Professional Services Agreement between January 1, 2019 <br />City of San Leandro and MV Transportation, Inc.—Exhibit A Page 8 of 14 <br />
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