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Unfunded CIP Projects <br />Project Number Group Project Name Estimated Project Cost Weighted Score <br />2020.4220 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bancroft and Williams Bicycle Corridors $3,500,000 120 <br />2016.0490 Bicycle and Pedestrian Manor Blvd Pedestrian Improvements $3,200,000 115 <br />2018.5400 Bicycle and Pedestrian Downtown Pedestrian Lighting $1.6M to $3.2M 100 <br />2012.0120 Bicycle and Pedestrian E14th Pedestrian Imp 136th-S City Limit $400k to $800k 100 <br />2020.4240 Bicycle and Pedestrian School Route Ped Safety Improvements $400k to $800k 100 <br />2018.4490 Bicycle and Pedestrian Downtown Walkway Renovation $200k to $400k 95 <br />2005.0100 Bicycle and Pedestrian E14th St Medians - 145th to S City Limit $3.2M to $6.4M 95 <br />2018.4800 Bicycle and Pedestrian Williams St Bike and Ped Imp near UPRR $800k to $1.6M 95 <br />2020.5610 Bicycle and Pedestrian Pedestrian Crossing Improvements $200k to $400k 90 <br />2018.4470 Bicycle and Pedestrian Fairway Dr Streetscape & Reconfiguration $1.6M to $3.2M 85 <br />2012.0132 Bicycle and Pedestrian Marina Blvd Streetscape Merced-Doolittle $3.2M to $6.4M 85 <br />2012.0131 Bicycle and Pedestrian Marina Blvd Streetscape West of Doolittl $3.2M to $6.4M 85 <br />2016.0441 Bicycle and Pedestrian West Industrial Area Ped Lighting Instal $1.6M to $3.2M 85 <br />2016.0440 Bicycle and Pedestrian West Industrial Area Ped Lighting Study <$100k 85 <br />2018.5440 Bicycle and Pedestrian Alvarado Street Pedestrian Lighting $800k to $1.6M 80 <br />2016.0420 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bike and Ped Improve BART to Bayfair $800k to $1.6M 80 <br />2018.5670 Bicycle and Pedestrian East 14th / Juana Pedestrian Safety $400k to $800k 75 <br />2019.4410 Bicycle and Pedestrian Best Ave Streetscape E 14th to SLB $400k to $800k 70 <br />2018.4200 Bicycle and Pedestrian Davis St Bike Lanes Orchard to SLB $400k to $800k 70 <br />2019.4400 Bicycle and Pedestrian Dolores Ave Streetscape Grant to E 14th $200k to $400k 70 <br />2018.4420 Bicycle and Pedestrian Durant Ave Streetscape E14 to Bancroft $400k to $800k 70 <br />2018.4440 Bicycle and Pedestrian Durant Ave Streetscape McArth to Bncrft $400k to $800k 70 <br />2004.0170 Bicycle and Pedestrian MacArthur Blvd Streetscape Phase 2 $1.6M to $3.2M 70 <br />2016.0340 Bicycle and Pedestrian Merced St Streetscape Williams to Wicks $1.6M to $3.2M 70 <br />2016.0520 Bicycle and Pedestrian Floresta Monterey Pedestrian Imp $200k to $400k 55 <br />2018.4450 Bicycle and Pedestrian Victoria Circle Reconfiguration $200k to $400k 55 <br />2018.4460 Bicycle and Pedestrian Dowling Blvd Streetscape Beverly Warwick $200k to $400k 45 <br />2018.4220 Bicycle and Pedestrian Downtown Wayfinding Signage <$100k 45 <br />Page 2