February 4, 2019City Council Draft Minutes
<br />Aye:Aguilar, Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez, Cutter7 -
<br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-026
<br />2.T.19-050 RESOLUTION Appointing Suzanne Pershing as an At-large
<br />Representative to the Arts Commission for Term Ending December 31,
<br />2022
<br />A motion was made by Mayor Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Lee, that
<br />this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote.
<br />Aye:Aguilar, Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez, Cutter7 -
<br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-027
<br />2.U.19-051 RESOLUTION Appointing Don Lancaster as an At-large Representative
<br />to the Human Services Commission for Term Ending December 31,
<br />2022
<br />A motion was made by Mayor Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Lee, that
<br />this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote.
<br />Aye:Aguilar, Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez, Cutter7 -
<br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-028
<br />2.V.19-067 RESOLUTION Appointing Nicholas Thorn Sermeno as an At-large
<br />Representative to the Human Services Commission for Term Ending
<br />December 31, 2022
<br />A motion was made by Mayor Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Lee, that
<br />this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote.
<br />Aye:Aguilar, Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez, Cutter7 -
<br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-029
<br />2.W.19-052 RESOLUTION Appointing Jennifer Heystek as an At-large
<br />Representative to the Library-Historical Commission for Term Ending
<br />December 31, 2022
<br />A motion was made by Mayor Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Lee, that
<br />this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote.
<br />Aye:Aguilar, Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez, Cutter7 -
<br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-030
<br />2.X.19-054 RESOLUTION Appointing Dewayne Cornelious as an At-large
<br />Representative to the Personnel Relations Board for Term Ending
<br />December 31, 2022
<br />A motion was made by Mayor Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Lee, that
<br />this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote.
<br />Aye:Aguilar, Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez, Cutter7 -
<br />Page 5City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2019