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File Number: 19-074 <br />truck through a National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) procurement. A haul truck is necessary to <br />transport the new grinder when it is out in the field. The associated trailer that works in conjunction <br />with the haul truck will come to the City Council separately for consideration. <br />Per the attached NJPA bid sheet, the haul truck would cost a total of $213,457.17, including taxes <br />and shipping costs. The specs for the haul truck allow for flexibility in use, so that while it will <br />primarily be utilized for paving operations, during the paving off-season it could be used for <br />picking up illegal dumps and special in-house construction projects that require moving dirt and <br />debris. <br />Budget Authority <br />Based on the purchase price of $213,457.17, staff request City Council approve an appropriation <br />from the Gas Tax Fund Balance 140 to the Equipment Repair and Maintenance Fund - Vehicle <br />Purchasing Account 690-16-002-7510 for the total amount of $213,457.17. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachments to Staff Report <br />·Equipment Quote <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Director, Public Works Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/13/2019