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File Number: 19-148 <br />Based on the above direction, a related draft ordinance has been included in the agenda packet <br />that would incorporate the following changes: <br /> <br />·Amend title of Chapter 4-33 to reflect medical and adult use of cannabis dispensaries <br />·Amend Sections in 4-33-100 “Definitions” to reflect that cannabis dispensaries may <br />dispense cannabis for adult use <br />·Amend Chapter 4-38 throughout, “Permitted Cannabis Commercial Activity,” to reflect <br />dispensing of cannabis for adult use as a permitted cannabis commercial activity within <br />the City. <br />·Amend Section 4-33-200(c) to reflect that the three dispensary permits must commence <br />operations no later than December 31, 2019. Failure to do so will result in dispensary’s <br />operating permit being automatically and unconditionally revoked. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />·Draft Amended Dispensary Ordinance Showing Track Changes <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart, Deputy City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/8/2019