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File Number: 19-122 <br />Previous Actions <br />·Council Resolution 2005-127 <br />·Council Resolution 2011-080 <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Over the last five fiscal years (FY2014 - FY2018), the ARLE program averaged net revenues of <br />$183,003. Program expenditures during that period averaged $432,507, while total revenues <br />averaged $615,510. Using the same five fiscal years, staff found sworn officers issued on <br />average 5,187 traffic citations, while Redflex staff issued traffic citations averaged 9,612. To <br />roughly approximate Redflex staff productivity would require a minimum of two (2) sworn <br />personnel and add roughly $480,000-based on the average total compensation budgeted in <br />FY2018 for a Police Officer-annually plus any additional pension obligations. <br />Although the current program generates net revenues annually, the Police Department does not <br />utilize the program for that purpose, but rather to advance the Council’s goal of providing high <br />quality public safety to the community. It should be noted, however, that eliminating this program <br />will most likely result in a loss of a portion or all of the annual $183,000 net revenues currently <br />realized under the Redflex program. The current program is the most cost-effective strategy for <br />enforcing red light violations. <br />Budgetary Impacts <br />All ARLE expenditure activity falls under account 10-21-021. <br />All ARLE revenue activity falls under 10-3403. <br />PREPARED BY: Scott Koll, Police Business Manager <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/8/2019