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File Number: 19-173 <br />DISCUSSION <br />In order to implement the provisions of the City Manager’s employment agreement and the San <br />Leandro Police Officers Association MOU, the City Council must amend the City’s contract with <br />CalPERS by July 1, 2019. Approval of the ordinance is the final step to amend the CalPERS <br />contract to modify the terms of the employee cost sharing. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />There is no fiscal impact with the approval of this resolution. The fiscal impact of the cost sharing <br />was presented when the City Manager’s employment agreement and the SLPOA MOU were <br />approved. <br />Previous Action <br />City of San Leandro Resolution No. 2019-061 is the required Resolution of Intention to approve <br />an amendment to the contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public <br />Employee’s Retirement System and the City of San Leandro. <br />First Reading of an Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract with the Board of <br />Administration of CalPERS to Provide Section 20516 (1% employee cost sharing) for Local <br />Police Members in Accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding. <br />Attachments: <br />·Draft Amendment to CalPERS contract <br />PREPARED BY: Emily Hung, Human Resources Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/26/2019