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File Number: 19-175 <br />Center for acquisition of its existing building around 2009. There will be an estimated $39,975 in funds <br />carried over from the prior year’s CDBG unused funds. The City also projects its pro-rata share of <br />HOME funds to be $244,691 from the Consortium. There are no estimated funds carried over from the <br />prior year’s HOME funds. <br />The proposed CDBG-funded activities in the FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan fall into the following <br />eligible categories: Public Services, Public Facilities, Housing Activities, and General Administration. <br />In accordance with HUD regulations, the City will commit no more than 15% (or approximately <br />$107,236) of its annual CDBG allocation toward Public Services. The City issued a Community <br />Assistance Grant Program (CAP) & CDBG Request for Funding/Grant Application in March 2019 to <br />award two-year grants for FY 2019-2020 and FY 2020-2021. The review of the RFP respondents is still <br />outstanding therefore the recipients of the City’s CDBG Public Services funding is still to be determined. <br />The recently completed City of San Leandro Recreation and Human Services Department Human <br />Services Gap Analysis will guide the prioritization of CDBG (and CAP) funding commitments. Those <br />priority areas are services targeting the following populations: 1) those with mental and behavioral <br />health needs, 2) victims of domestic violence, and 3) those with food insecurity issues. <br />The City’s proposed biennial budget for FY 2019-2021 also includes $150,000 in General Funds as part <br />of the Community Investment Fund, which support CAP and supplements CDBG funding for public <br />service providers. Note that CAP is administered by the City’s Recreation and Human Services <br />Department separately from the CDBG Program, which is administered by the Community <br />Development Department. <br />For Public Facilities, the City proposes to allocate $187,414 to HUD for principal/interest payments for <br />the City’s outstanding $2.5 million HUD Section 108 loan, which helped finance construction of the <br />City’s new Senior Community Center. In addition, staff proposes allocating $115,000 to continue <br />implementing the City’s 2010 Updated ADA Transition Plan by funding the completion of architectural <br />modifications designed to make City facilities (including City Hall, Washington Manor Library, <br />Washington Manor Park/Family Aquatic Center, Halcyon Park, Memorial Park, Stenzel Park, and the <br />San Leandro History Museum and Art Gallery) more accessible to persons with disabilities. The City <br />anticipates receiving an application from the Boys and Girls Club for capital improvement funding for its <br />facility shortly and prior to the May 6 public hearing. Therefore, staff will determine the available amount <br />of CDBG capital improvement funds to assist the San Leandro Boys and Girls Club and include the <br />recommendation in the final FY2019-2020 Action Plan. This funding will be used to augment a General <br />Fund contribution to the project, ultimately resulting in a total support package of $600,000, consistent <br />with City Council direction as part of the previous year’s budget development process. <br />For Housing Activities, staff recommends providing $100,000 of CDBG funds to continue funding the <br />City’s Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program, which provides minor repair grants to <br />extremely low- and very low-income San Leandro homeowners. <br />Administrative funding for FY 2019-2020 is $142,982, which conforms to the HUD-regulated 20% <br />spending cap on general administration costs and expenses. Staff recommends allocating $132,982 to <br />City staffing for CDBG program administration and $10,000 in CDBG funds to ECHO Housing’s Fair <br />Housing services. Fair Housing services are federally mandated, and ECHO Housing assists the City <br />in meeting HUD requirements to advance fair housing. <br />The City uses HOME funds for the acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction of affordable rental <br />housing as well as tenant-based rental assistance to serve lower income households in need. The <br />City’s HOME allocation for FY2019-2020, as well as from FY 2018-2019 and for FY 2017-2018, will be <br />used to repay the County’s regional HOME competitive funding pool, of which BRIDGE Housing <br />received approximately $566,000 in 2012 for the construction of the 115-unit Marea Alta Phase 1 <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/26/2019