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File Number: 19-149 <br />City of San Leandro <br />In-House Streets Maintenance - FY 2020 <br />·West Ave. 133rd (Residential; PCI 37) - Between Menlo Street to Doolittle Drive. Remove <br />and replace asphalt surface (estimate of 321 tons). PCI increased to 100. <br />·West Ave. 134th (Residential; PCI 23) - Between Menlo Street to western terminus (dead <br />end). Remove and replace asphalt surface (estimate 1,695 tons). PCI increased to 100. <br />·West Ave. 135th (Residential; PCI 29) - Between Doolittle Drive to Aurora Drive. Remove <br />and replace asphalt surface (estimate 847 tons). PCI increased to 100. <br />·West Ave. 136th (Residential; PCI 38) - Between Aurora Drive and Menlo Street. Remove <br />and replace asphalt surface (estimate 1,288 tons). PCI increased to 100. <br />·Thornton Street (Residential; PCI 9) - Between Alvarado Street to dead end @ guardrail. <br />Remove and replace asphalt surface (estimate 132 tons). PCI increased to 100. <br />Work continuing from FY 19 to FY 20 includes: <br />·Crack sealing on Sylvia Way, Andover Street, Duzmal Avenue, and Foothill Blvd. <br />Budget Authority <br />The City’s MOE, as established by the State Controller’s Office (SCO) is $3,127,163. As <br />indicated previously, this amount is the average reported general fund expenditures for fiscal <br />years 2010, 2011, and 2012. Based on conversations with both Finance and Engineering & <br />Transportation Department staff, it is anticipated that the required MOE will be met. No budgetary <br />actions are required. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />None. <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Director, Public Works Department <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/26/2019