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Page 5 of 21 <br /> <br />Contributions Table B - Housing Authorities (Agencies) <br />County of Alameda HA* $11,537.8 8 <br />City of Alameda HA $3,550.12 <br />Berkeley HA $3,550.12 <br />Livermore HA $1,331.30 <br />Oakland HA $24,407.08 <br />*Additional presentations: <br />County of Alameda HA $800 <br />Funds Available <br />Housing Authorities $45,176.50 <br />Total Contributions $12 8 ,3 90 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />2. Project Budget <br /> <br />AI Consultant $126,790 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />3. Roles and Responsibilities <br /> <br />Lead Agency <br />As the Lead Agency, the County of Alameda’s tasks include: <br />• Provide day-to-day oversight and planning of activities to be undertaken <br />throughout the AI plan process. <br />• Contract with the selected AI consultant (selected through prior AFH process). <br />• Receive, review and pay invoices submitted by the AI consultant. <br />• Coordinate requests for information submitted by the AI consultant to the <br />PCCA members. <br />• The County reserves the right to control the manner in which these tasks are <br />performed, including but not limited to withdraw or modify the RFP and to <br />negotiate, approve or disapprove any proposed contract, and to modify or <br />terminate a contract at its discretion. <br /> <br />PCCA Members <br />The PCCA Members’ tasks include: <br />• Provide respective jurisdictional information to the AI consultant, HUD <br />and other PCCA members as needed. <br />• Promote, market and host public workshops and any other forms of <br />outreach mutually agreed upon by the PCCA members. <br />• Respond to written and oral comments in a timely manner as applicable. <br />• Participate in meetings and conference calls throughout the AI Plan <br />process. <br />• Develop goals and priorities for their respective jurisdiction to be included <br />in the AI Plan. <br />• Participate in joint analysis and joint go als to be included in the AI Plan. <br />• Review AI Plan drafts and return comments in accordance with timeline.