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March 5, 2019Finance Committee Draft Minutes <br />Mr. Oblites stated that migrant detention centers are included in "private <br />prisons". <br />Mayor Cutter stated that the City should wait for the investments to mature and <br />move forward with the change to the investment policy. <br />2.B.19-143 Discussion of Long Term Budget Strategies as Developed by the Cost <br />and Revenue Efficiency (CARE) Team <br />City Manager Kay reported that with the direction of Deputy City Manager Eric <br />Engelbart, the Cost and Revenue Efficiency (CARE) team, which consists of <br />representatives of each department, was formed to come up with ideas on how <br />to handle the long-term structural deficit that the City may be facing in the <br />future years. The CARE team was directed to propose ideas to solve the <br />long-term budget deficit Mr. Kay thanked Kurry Foley, Engineering & <br />Transportation; Scott Koll, Finance/Police; and Jacqui Diaz. <br />Deputy City Manager Engelbart provided highlights of cost savings and <br />revenue generating scenarios, listed from highest to lowest priorities. The <br />scenarios (found in the Staff Report) were grouped into three distinct <br />categories: Efficiency Savings (ES), Quantifiable Savings (QS), and Enhanced <br />Revenues (ER). <br />The CARE team explored three revenue categories: Real Property Transfer <br />Tax, as San Leandro has the lowest tax rate, a parcel tax, and a vacant <br />property tax. <br />Mayor Cutter would like to reach out to the community and let them know what <br />the financial future looks like and they will be asked which services are <br />important to them. Public Safety is always priority however that may come <br />with a consequence of having to reduce another service, e.g. library services. <br />City Manager Kay stated that further discussion of the CARE team findings as <br />well as updates of the biennial budget will continue at future Finance <br />Committee meetings as well as with the entire City Council. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS3. <br />N/A <br />COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS4. <br />N/A <br />ADJOURN5. <br />7:00pm <br />Page 2City of San Leandro Printed on 3/26/2019