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File Number: 19-133 <br />Engineer Michael Stella, City Engineer Nick Thom, Assistant City Manager Liz Warmerdam <br />Agencies present: BART: Rebecca Saltzman, Val Menotti and Charlie Ream; AC Transit: Joe <br />Callaway, Robert Del Rosario, Michael Eshleman, Phillip Halley, Geoffrey Johnson, Steven <br />Jones, Ramakrishna Pochiraju, and David Wilkins <br />Public present: Dominic LiMandri (SLIA), Beverly Young Moragne, Mike Oliver (LINKS), Chris <br />Segur (Parsons) <br />02:08 <br />1.B. Announcements <br />None <br />02:17 <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A. 19-128 Update on BART San Leandro Station Improvements <br />BART representative Charlie Ream provided an update on improvements underway or planned <br />at BART’s San Leandro Station. <br />Committee Requests/Direction to Staff: <br />Mayor Cutter would like BART to explore landscaping options to help with the pigeon problems. <br />Vice Mayor Lopez would like BART to research a secure bike station structure similar to the <br />BikeHub at the Fruitvale Bike Station. BART will provide data to help identify funding <br />opportunities and a bike plan for San Leandro. <br />Council Member Cox thanked BART for their work and their efforts to balance the need for <br />attractive landscaping with more bike spaces. <br />10:37 <br />2.B.19-129 Update on AC Transit BRT Project <br />AC Transit representative Joe Callaway, Robert Del Rosario, Phillip Halley, and David Wilkins <br />provided an update on AC Transit’s East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project. <br /> <br />Committee Requests/Direction to Staff: <br />Vice Mayor Lopez inquired as to the number of workers employed on the project based on the <br />jurisdictional data provided (Oakland and San Leandro workers), and requested more outreach <br />about work opportunities for residents on this project. <br />Mayor Cutter would like AC Transit to look into a supplementary conventional route once BRT is <br />operational, and asked AC Transit to survey students at the schools that will be impacted. <br />Vice Mayor Lopez is concerned about parking spaces during the interim operation configuration. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/9/2019