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8B Consent 2019 0506
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2019 0506
8B Consent 2019 0506
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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April 11, 2019Rules Committee Draft Minutes <br />Campaign Finance and Contribution Limits <br />Public comment received from Mr. Jeromey Shafer. <br />RULES COMMITTEE COMMENTS: <br />a. Committee discussed if contribution limits should be mandatory. <br />b. The Committee questioned whether previous campaign contributions would be <br />exempt. <br />c. The Committee questioned what the rules are about loaning money to oneself. <br />d. Clarification needs to be addressed to how much staff time would be required to <br />monitor and enforce contribution limits. <br />e. How would contributions be enforced? Is enforcement driven off complaints? Who <br />would do the enforcement and who does the enforcement in other city jurisdictions and <br />in Alameda County? What would the cost be for the Fair Political Practice <br />Commission (FPPC) or another entity to do the enforcement? <br />f. If a person who owns multiple businesses, can they make contributions from each <br />business or would that be considered one person? <br />g. The average cap in Alameda County should be clarified for the Committee. <br />h. Are Political Action Committees (PACs) treated different or are they considered one <br />person? What are the rules about PACs campaigning for a candidate without their <br />knowledge/consent? Would that count as campaign contributions? <br />i. Should the limit be higher for someone campaigning as a candidate for Mayor, since <br />they are at large and cover all six districts? <br />j. Should an individuals’ contribution cap be for the elected term of office (4 years) or <br />would it be 2 years since some incumbents run for different positions (ex. a seated <br />council member running for mayor). <br />k. The Committee questioned whether the candidates would designate contributions to <br />a certain position or would the funds be tied to the person. And if someone hasn’t <br />decided what position they want to run for (ex. Board of Supervisors vs. City Council) <br />would they be able to make two separate $500 (or what the limit is) contributions. <br />The item will return for further discussion to Rules Committee. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS3. <br />Public comment received from Mr. Jeromey Shafer. <br />COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS4. <br />ADJOURN5. <br />Meeting adjourned at 9:31 a.m. <br />Page 2City of San Leandro Printed on 4/29/2019
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