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File Number: 19-216 <br />The term of this proposed new Master Agreement is 20 years. In all three of the primary locations <br />noted above, District amenities exist in proximity to City amenities and this Agreement continues <br />the past practice of each entity maintaining its own amenities. In locations where use is shared, <br />such as the well at Pacific Sports Complex and the ingress to Toyon park, a shared cost for <br />maintenance is proposed. <br />It is acknowledged that the information currently indicated for Farrelly Pool is based on <br />preliminary plans, and that this Agreement will be amended upon completion of the new pool. <br />With respect to the usage of facilities for City programming, the Agreement states: <br />“The CITY will develop and enforce appropriate rules and regulations for facilities with City <br />programming. In advance of offering programming to the public at Farrelly Pool, CITY shall <br />share programing schedule with DISTRICT to verify that no program begins or ends within <br />30 minutes of Roosevelt start of school and/or final dismissal, unless specifically approved <br />by the District.” <br />This language is designed to give the City flexibility to set and adjust programming as needed to <br />best meet the needs of the community, while ensuring that the District is notified and that there <br />are no significant negative impacts to school operations. <br />Previous Actions <br />Although numerous agreements and resolutions have been historically prepared for the locations <br />noted, all of them are expired. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·GOAL OSC-1 Maintain and improve San Leandro’s parks and recreational facilities. <br />o Policy OSC-1.10 Scheduling and Programming. Coordinate the scheduling and <br />programming of recreational activities to avoid conflicts and more evenly distribute <br />activities among City parks. Improve coordination of field maintenance and <br />scheduling between the City and the school districts to maximize the availability of <br />recreational facilities to the public. <br />·GOAL OSC-4 Pursue agreements with the School Districts, the Boys and Girls Club, and <br />other agencies and organizations to ensure that all of San Leandro’s open spaces and <br />recreational facilities are available for public use. <br />o Policy OSC-4.1 Joint Use Agreements. Promote joint use agreements between the <br />City and the San Leandro and San Lorenzo Unified School Districts to maximize <br />public access to school recreational facilities and grounds during non-school hours. <br />Emphasize agreements which: (a) provide access to facilities which are currently <br />lacking in existing City parks, such as swimming pools, gymnasiums and sports <br />fields; and (b) benefit areas that currently lack neighborhood or community parks. <br />§Action OSC-4.1.A: Joint Use Facilities Master Plan Periodically update the <br />joint use agreements between the City and the two School Districts to <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/30/2019