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<br /> <br />2019 Master Use/Maintenance Agreement – SLUSD and City of San Leandro Page 1 of 7 <br />MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAN LEANDRO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO FOR <br />RECREATIONAL USE AND MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL SITES <br /> <br /> THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ____th day of May 2019, by and between SAN <br />LEANDRO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, a Public School District of the State of California, hereinafter called <br />“District”, and the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, hereinafter <br />called “City”. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Section 10900 et seq. of the Education Code (the Community Recreation Act) <br />authorizes cities and school districts to organize, promote and conduct programs of community recreation <br />for the promotion and attainment of general educational and recreational objectives and to construct, <br />maintain and operate recreation centers, including playgrounds and outdoor playing fields; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Section 10910 of the Education Code provides that the governing body of any school <br />district may use or grant the use of grounds of the school district to any other public authority for the <br />purposes of such act, whenever such use does not interfere with school uses; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City and District to jointly undertake the development, <br />installation, construction and maintenance of recreational facilities in order to reduce capital and <br />operations costs to both governmental jurisdictions; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, District and City desire to provide a contract for the use of listed District properties by <br />City for community recreation activities, and for use by District for education and recreation purposes <br />pursuant to said Community Recreation Act, as the provisions thereof exist, or hereafter may be amended; <br />and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, it is the intention of the parties that this Agreement shall operate as a Master <br />Agreement and that the terms hereof shall govern, and be incorporated into, any future Supplemental <br />Agreement between the parties pertaining to specific school sites within the limits of City; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, this Master Agreement shall supersede all existing Agreements and Memorandum of <br />Understandings related to construction, use, and/or maintenance between District and City. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth, and <br />pursuant to the provisions of the Education Code hereinabove referred to, it is agreed as follows: <br /> <br />I. Term of this Agreement <br /> <br />This Agreement shall be in effect from the date of the last signature affixed hereto until June 30, <br />2039, except as otherwise specified in a Supplemental Agreement. In no event shall the term of a <br />Supplemental Agreement extend past June 30, 2039, without further amending this term. <br /> <br /> <br />