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File Number: 19-154 <br />BACKGROUND <br />Analysis <br />Consulting Services Agreement <br />The existing scope of work for the General Plan 2035 contract with DCE | Planning Center (now <br />known as PlaceWorks) includes updating the City of San Leandro’s 2009 Climate Action Plan for <br />the target year of 2020. The work was not started during adoption of General Plan 2035 due to a <br />priorities shift to complete a Zoning Code Update concurrent with the General Plan 2035 <br />adoption in 2016. <br />In the interim, the State of California released its 2017 Scoping Plan that outlines new GHG <br />reduction goals for 2030 and 2050. Because the horizon year of 2020 is imminent, the City’s <br />CAP must be updated to address the 2030 and 2050 GHG reduction targets to qualify for <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) streamlining under Section 15183.5 of the CEQA <br />guidelines. <br />The proposed CAP Update will include the following key components for a CAP Update, also <br />referenced in the original scope of work as a “qualified GHG emissions reductions strategy”: <br />A.Quantify GHG emissions with baseline and future forecast inventories; <br />B.Establish the level whereby activities covered by the plan would not exceed targets of 40% <br />for 2030 and 80% for 2050, consistent with State targets and the General Plan and <br />measured based on substantial evidence; <br />C.Identify and analyze GHG emissions resulting from specific actions anticipated within San <br />Leandro; <br />D.Specify measures, including performance standards, that would achieve the specified <br />GHG emissions reductions targets; <br />E.Establish a mechanism to monitor the CAP’s progress towards reaching the adopted <br />targets; and <br />F.Adopt the CAP in a public process including environmental review under CEQA <br />guidelines. <br />Staff also recommends that the amended CAP update contract include an additional task to <br />prepare a Climate Adaptation Strategy. As evidenced by recent extreme weather and <br />climate-induced conditions, the region is already experiencing impacts related to climate change <br />that require the City to focus on resilience and adaptation. Further, SB 379 requires that local <br />agencies review and update General Plan Safety Elements to address climate adaptation and <br />resiliency strategies or create a stand-alone Climate Adaptation Plan. As the General Plan was <br />recently updated prior to the passage of SB 379, the creation of a stand-alone Climate <br />Adaptation Plan will satisfy this State mandate. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/30/2019