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8H Consent 2019 0506
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Packet 2019 0506
8H Consent 2019 0506
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File Number: 19-154 <br />Staff recommends the City pursue a Climate Action Plan Update and Adaptation Plan for the <br />following reasons: <br />1) San Leandro’s current Climate Action Plan (2009 CAP) was an "early adopter" by focusing on <br />Energy Efficiency rather than including the necessary, deeper policy framework of Zero Carbon <br />Buildings (electrification) and Renewable Energy that will need to be included to reach GHG <br />reductions as outlined in the State of California 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan (2017 <br />Guidance); <br />2) The 2009 CAP "sunsets" with the policy of GHG emissions reduction of 25% by 2020. SB32 <br />mandates that the goal be increased to 40% reduction by 2030. Additionally, since the City’s <br />General Plan horizon year is 2035, the City’s CAP must also take into consideration the further <br />SB32-mandated goal (80% reduction by 2050); <br />3) The 2009 CAP does not contain a rigorous analysis of the proposed carbon reduction <br />measures nor is it "qualified" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to allow <br />future development streamlining under section 15183.5 of the CEQA guidelines. The proposal <br />includes an addendum (environmental review) to the General Plan EIR, which will enable the use <br />of the updated CAP and Addendum for tiering and streamlining of GHG emissions analyses for <br />project-specific environmental reviews; <br />4) An updated CAP will help the City outline and evaluate important aspects of local actions in <br />order to make the most impact, such as “reach” (mandatory green/net zero) building codes; <br />transit-oriented development; and investments and incentives to the private sector to build Zero <br />Net Carbon and go all-electric in their transportation choices (EV passenger vehicles, higher <br />transit use, etc.). A more robust Climate Action Plan that would support San Leandro moving <br />ahead on these actions would be the most efficient way to avoid further climate risks and help <br />minimize future climate impacts on community assets and critical facilities; and, <br />5) Combining ‘Adaptation’ planning, which focuses on the long-term effects of climate change, <br />with ‘Climate Action’ planning, which lays out immediate mitigation measures to be taken to <br />reduce greenhouse gas emissions is now considered a best practice among local jurisdictions in <br />California. Integration of an Adaptation Plan into the Climate Action Plan will help the City bridge <br />the future impacts of climate change into the everyday operations and medium- to long-term <br />capital planning efforts. <br />Finally, PlaceWorks is well situated to carry out this additional task. The firm was recently <br />selected by the State’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to update the Adaptation <br />Planning Guide, which provides the State guidance for local adaptation planning. <br /> Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets <br />Setting the 2030 and 2050 targets to 40% and 80% reductions, respectively, to conform to the <br />State’s reduction goals, which are science-based and vetted for cost-effectiveness and <br />feasibility, will ensure that the City’s climate goals are both coordinated with other jurisdictions in <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/30/2019
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