Description Current Fee Reference
<br />2019-20 PROPOSED FEES
<br />Expianationr FY 201X20 Proposed F-
<br />eesUNITY
<br />6 i DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT— Planning Diyision (continued)
<br />20 ZoninQ Approval for Business License .., .., .., .., .. .., .., .., .., .., ..,
<br />.., .. .., .., .. ..,
<br />.., ..
<br />A New Business License ZonTQ ...., ...., ...., ...., ..., $115 ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />fee r,cr ed re remain uncharged
<br />...., ..
<br />B Business Change of Ownership ...., ...., ...., ...., ..., $35 ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />ee r,cr ed re remain uncharged
<br />....,
<br />C Home Occupation Application $115
<br />ee, prepused re remain uneharged
<br />21 Other Fees .., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ... .., .......,
<br />A Plan Check for Building ... ...., ...., .... ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., .......,
<br />), Alterations/Additions/Accessory Bwldings Residential ...., ...., ..., $240 ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />$250 ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., .......,
<br />u ),New Construction Single Family Residential .., ...., ...., ..., $240 ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />$250 ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., .......,
<br />ii,),New Construction MultiFamily Residential ...., ...., ...., ..., $601 ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />$624 ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., .......,
<br />ivn),New Construction Non Residential ...., ...., ...., ..., $601 ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />$624 ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., ...., ...., .......,
<br />y ),Alterations/Additions Non Residential ...., ...., ...., ..., $240 ...., ...., ....,
<br />$250 ...., ...., ...., ...., ....,
<br />...., .......,
<br />B Public Notice Sign Deposit $100 (fully refundable if sign returned)
<br />ee pmpused re rema�'�neharged
<br />C Community Planning Fee,(applies to all building permits) 0 3% of total valuation of construction
<br />�
<br />�FpYq`
<br />ee prcpused re remain uneharged
<br />IVa to s Mn It tR Red M1t tMPP�kY Rk+C:MPP R^ IfR tR P^khx th,R F1:MttR h,F S+ and �NiMR PLfttcial ' V tI e: etpY�YMPP2°M f t1tP`P"vta" MP ay (Ned iVe f@de
<br />Ry g hi'tl Ck,F, f@d�C,`MdtP^y Ln"CRt�Fn^ g ddMRR'.F/pYC`fPAC^C,`pYMPPMPPCRMRRf,,,,
<br />p
<br />CR MPPMPPu M I tf~~ Fft nM RId Ig Fee at his/p' or R' is vretia`rn
<br />''.. D. Technology Fee: applies to all fees except Zoning Compliance Letter (18), Zoning 6% of Permit Fee, $6.40 minimum
<br />6% of Permit Fee; $6.65 minimum
<br />''....Approval for Business License (19) and Other Fees (20)
<br />�
<br />as for consultants required to r
<br />ApplicaCost EntitlementA li pa forall Ci al costs, as q process the
<br />submit
<br />ree prcpused re remain uncharged
<br />project
<br />r Application Pr a ro act a lication.
<br />application. An An Agreement for Paymentof Fees for Appy Processing shall be ed with th Pp cation
<br />Initial deposits, as shown on the fee schedule, will be collected and held by the City in a deposit account at the time the application is submitted. The cost of staff time and
<br />'.... legal costs will be drawn from the deposit account. A positive account balance shall be maintained at all times during the review process. No work will be performed on a
<br />(project with a negative fund balance. If the deposit is reduced below 20% of the initial deposit amount, the applicant will be notified and required to supplement the deposit
<br />account with an additional amount no less than 50% of the original amount.
<br />When more than one Direct Cost application is submitted, the sum total of the initial full cost deposit amount can be reduced by 20%. Projects outside the scope of this fee
<br />schedule will be subject to a full cost reimbursement agreement which will include the identification of a work program and cost estimates for both City staff time and
<br />consultant services on a defined scope of work.
<br />Funds expended for staff time shall not be dependent upon the City's approval or disapproval of the application request. Planning Direct Costs are calculated as follows:
<br />hourly wage rate multiplied by a factor of 3.38 to account for benefits, indirect overhead charges and staff support charges. The deposit account will be held open for 90
<br />days after project approval for City to complete any miscellaneous clean-up items and to account for all project -related costs. Any deposit amounts remaining after final
<br />(project close out, will be returned to the applicant.
<br />(b) As maybe required by the Community Development Department for project evaluation or environmental review, all payment for consultant work shall be the responsibility
<br />of the applicant and must be paid in advance.
<br />(c) ''.Note for all fees: In addition to COSL fees, applicant is responsible for any applicable fees imposed by other agencies, such as county filing fees, LAFCO fees, Departmen
<br />of Fish and Wildlife Fees, etc..
<br />fee proposed ro remain uncharged
<br />(ee proposed to remain uncharged
<br />(ee proposed to remain uncharged
<br />(ee proposed to remain uncharged
<br />(ee proposed to remain uncharged
<br />