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6. Effective May 22, 1974 and prior to January 1, 1975, those members who <br />were hired by Public Agency on a temporary and/or seasonal basis not to <br />exceed 6 months were excluded from PERS membership by contract. <br />Government Code Section 20336 superseded this contract provision by <br />providing that any such temporary and/or seasonal employees are excluded <br />from PERS membership subsequent to January 1, 1975. Legislation <br />repealed and replaced said Section with Government Code Section 20305 <br />effective July 1, 1994. <br />7. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of <br />credited prior and current service as a classic local miscellaneous member <br />in employment before and not on or after July 1, 2002 and current service <br />for those classic local miscellaneous members entering membership for the <br />first time with this agency in the miscellaneous classification after May 6, <br />2010 shall be determined in accordance with Section 21354 of said <br />Retirement Law (2% at age 55 Supplemental to Federal Social Security). <br />8. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of <br />credited prior and current service as a classic local miscellaneous member <br />in employment on or after July 1, 2002 and entering membership in the <br />miscellaneous classification on or prior to May 6, 2010 to contract shall be <br />determined in accordance with Section 21354.4 of said Retirement Law <br />(2.5% at age 55 Supplemental to Federal Social Security). <br />9. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of <br />credited prior and current service as a new local miscellaneous member <br />shall be determined in accordance with Section 7522.20 of said Retirement <br />Law (2% at age 62 Supplemental to Federal Social Security). <br />10. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of <br />credited prior and current service as a classic local fire member shall be <br />determined in accordance with Section 21362.2 of said Retirement Law (3% <br />at age 50 Full). <br />11. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of <br />credited prior and current service for classic local police members except <br />those who were reclassified to local police status pursuant to Government <br />Code Section 20425 on or before August 4, 1972 shall be determined in <br />accordance with Section 21362.2 of said Retirement (3% @ 50 Full). <br />12. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of <br />credited prior and current service for classic local police members who were <br />reclassified to local police status pursuant to Government Code Section <br />20425 on or before August 4, 1972 shall be determined in accordance with <br />Section 21362.2 of said Retirement (3% @ 50), Supplemental to Federal <br />Social Security. <br />13. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of <br />credited prior and current service as a new local police member shall be <br />determined in accordance with Section 7522.25(d) of said Retirement Law <br />(2.7% at age 57 Full). <br />