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10A Action 2019 0520
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Packet 2019 0520
10A Action 2019 0520
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5/14/2019 5:52:20 PM
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5/14/2019 5:51:22 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 19-271 <br />Environmental Review <br />Approval of the ordinance is exempt from further environmental review under the general rule in <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) that CEQA only <br />applies to projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />A community meeting with mobilehome Owners was held on April 17, 2019 at the San Leandro <br />Senior Center. There were 52 people in attendance. Of those attendees there were 42 tenants (or <br />80% of all meeting attendees) representing all nine San Leandro Mobilehome Parks, 2 former <br />residents of Bayshore Commons who currently self-identify as being homeless, 7 tenant <br />advocates, an attendee identifying themselves as a “SL Tenant,” and a representative from <br />Assembly Member Rob Bonta’s office. Public comments highlighted concerns with the instability <br />of future rent increases, evictions due to infeasible rent increases, and inadequate park <br />conditions. <br />The meeting with Mobilehome Park Owners had in attendance owners from five of the nine San <br />Leandro Mobilehome Parks in addition to representatives from two industry groups: staff from <br />Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association and a board member from the Rental <br />Housing Association of Southern Alameda County. The public comments from park owners and <br />the industry representatives included opposition to a permanent space rent stabilization <br />ordinance for a variety of reasons (e.g., cumbersome regulations, inadequate fair return) and <br />support for a direct agreement between the City and park owners for space rent stabilization <br />limits over a shorter term period with higher and wider floor/ceiling space rent thresholds. <br />For tonight’s meeting and prior City Council public meetings regarding mobilehome park space <br />rent stabilization, city staff contacted the owners and/or owners’ representatives of all nine <br />Mobilehome Parks. The City also sent notices to all park residents. Staff emailed copies of the <br />notice to an ongoing interested parties email list. A notice for tonight’s meeting was also posted <br />online on Nextdoor. <br />All public comments received in writing as of the finalization of the agenda materials are included <br />with the agenda (see Attachment B). <br />Legal Analysis <br />The proposed Ordinance was prepared by the City Attorney’s Office and staff. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The projected annual cost to administer the Ordinance could range from approximately $30,000 <br />to $75,000 depending on the volume of applications for review and appeals. Thus, Ordinance <br />administration could impact the General Fund should fee revenue to offset the costs not be <br />approved. The Ordinance, as proposed, does establish the options for an administrative fee <br />based on a dollar amount per each Mobilehome Space in the City pending future approval by the <br />City Council. The annual fee would cover the costs to administer the Ordinance, including city staff <br />Page 9 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/14/2019
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