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File Number: 19-263 <br />Extra Help Hourly Non-Represented Salary Schedule <br />The Extra Help Hourly Non-Represented salary schedule was created and approved by the City <br />Council on June 4, 2012, and identifies the hourly pay rates utilized for employing retired <br />annuitants. The salary schedule complies with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform <br />Act (PEPRA) and California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) post-retirement <br />employment requirements, which require retired annuitants be hired into a retired <br />annuitant-designated position and be paid no less than the minimum nor exceed the maximum <br />paid to other employees performing comparable duties. <br />When initially created, the Extra Help salary schedule included the job titles of Project Director, <br />Project Coordinator, Police Department Specialist, Special Project Inspector, Water Treatment <br />Operator Aide, Departmental Associate, Public Works Aide, Accounting Assistant, Departmental <br />Assistant, and Program Aide. Eliminating these various titles and replacing them with one Extra <br />Help Retired Annuitant classification will provide greater flexibility in hiring retired annuitants into <br />the appropriate hourly pay rate. The High School and College Intern classifications will be <br />transferred to the Non -Represented Part -Time salary schedule since interns do not fit the <br />definition of “extra help” for retired annuitants. <br />The restructuring of the job classification titles will have no fiscal impact on the budget. <br />San Leandro City Employees’ Association (SLCEA) Salary Schedule <br />The Police Services Aide specification should be retitled to Records Clerk, which is a more <br />common job title in police departments for this type of work. In addition, the function of providing <br />library security was removed from the Police Services Aide specification and developed into a <br />new Library Security Aide classification. The newly created classification better addresses the full <br />scope of security duties that are performed at the Library. <br />No adjustment to salary ranges is proposed since the level of duties and responsibilities remain <br />unchanged. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />There are no budget impacts with the proposed changes. The funds for the minimum wage <br />increase are included in the proposed biennial budget for FY 2020 and FY 2021. There are no <br />salary range adjustments associated with the Extra Help and SLCEA salary schedule revisions. <br />PREPARED BY: Emily Hung, Human Resources Manager, City Manager's Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/14/2019