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File Number: 19-277 <br />Previous Actions <br />The City Council considered the resolution at its March 18, 2019 meeting, and directed that the <br />item be referred to the Rules Committee for additional review and discussion. The Rules <br />Committee considered the proposed resolution at its April 11, 2019 meeting and unanimously <br />recommended approval by the City Council. <br />Current Agency Policies <br /> <br />City Council Goals: <br />·Advance projects and programs promoting sustainable economic development, including <br />transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation. <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure. <br />Applicable General Plan Procedures <br />This action complies with Chapter 11 of the General Plan, specifically City Operating Procedures, <br />Pages 11-9, 11-10. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The resolution and staff report to add Chapter 8 to Title 5 to the City of San Leandro <br />Administrative Code was co-drafted by the City Attorney’s Office and the Community <br />Development Department, and approved as to form by the City Attorney. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />No significant fiscal impacts are anticipated since this will be a cost recovery program. In cases <br />where the cost of the third party review is greater than the cost would have been if City staff <br />reviewed the application, the City will pay that difference. Since the hourly rate of the third party <br />reviewers utilized by the City is often less than the hourly rate of available City staff, it is <br />anticipated that this cost to the City will be minimal. <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Andrew J. Mogensen, AICP, Planning Manager, Community Development Department <br />and Richard D. Pio Roda, City Attorney <br />3222732.1 <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/14/2019