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effective as to any employee transferred from such a position, as of the date of transfer. <br />When employment of a person occupying a such a position is terminated, his/her <br />entitlement for the holiday leave shall be prorated on the ratio of time served to the <br />entire calendar year. Final compensation shall be adjusted on the basis of days taken in <br />lieu of holidays as against the entitlement as so calculated. <br /> <br />Water Pollution Control Plant Operators <br />Effective January 1, 2018 and continuing thereafter, any Operator-in-Training/Plant <br />Operator I/II, Plant Operator-Lead shall receive a 6.5% holiday pay premium in lieu of <br />holiday overtime pay and accruing holiday time. In the event that an employee calls in <br />sick on a holiday where he/she is scheduled to work, the holiday in lieu pay shall be <br />suspended for the next three (3) pay periods. Suspension of the holiday-in-lieu pay can <br />be waived upon the discretion of the Water Pollution Control Plant Manager. Holiday-in- <br />lieu pay shall be paid in equal amounts in each pay period. <br /> <br />Police Civilian Employees <br />Any Effective July 1, 2019 and continuing thereafter,any Public Safety Dispatcher <br />Supervisor, Senior Public Safety Dispatcher, and Public Safety Dispatcher shall receive a <br />6.5% holiday pay premium in lieu of holiday overtime pay and accruing holiday time. <br />Holiday-in-lieu pay shall be paid in equal amounts in each pay period. <br /> <br />, Senior Police Service Technician and Police Service Technician, Police Services Aide and <br />Administrative Specialist-Policein the Police Department assigned to the patrol, records <br />or traffic division and who is subject to a rotational schedule may receive for any eight (8) <br />hours holiday worked, one and one-half times (1½) the straight time rate of pay or <br />compensatory time off at the one and one-half time (1½) rate. Effective January 1, 2018 <br />the practice of retaining holiday time (R-time) will cease in order comply with CalPERS <br />regulations which requires that holiday pay be reported in the pay period earned. In the <br />event the employee elects compensatory time off the accrued time shall be placed in the <br />employee’s compensatory time off balance, not to exceed eighty (80) hours. <br /> <br /> The term “compensatory time” refers to that time earned and accrued by working any <br />overtime or holiday. Effective January 1, 2020, Public Safety Dispatcher Supervisor, Senior <br />Public Safety Dispatcher, and Public Safety Dispatcher, compensatory time may be used, <br />and replaced, without regard to frequency of use, as long as the account balance does <br />not exceed eighty (80) hours. All other civilian employees in the Police Department,the <br />compensatory time account balance shall not exceed one hundred twenty hours (120) <br />hours. Once an employee’s compensatory time off balance exceeds the maximum <br />compensatory time account balance, the employee shall be compensated in pay. <br /> <br />When a day herein listed as a holiday falls on a regular day off the employee shall be <br />entitled to a day off in lieu thereof at a later date within the calendar year or <br />compensatory time at the rate of one (1) times his/her regular hourly rate. Such day off <br />in lieu thereof is subject to approval of the department head as to the day selected. In no <br />event shall an employee be entitled to days off as holidays; days off in lieu thereof; holiday <br /> <br />