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File Number: 19-280 <br />Application for a hosted short-term rental permit shall be submitted to the Finance Department on <br />a form provided by the Finance Director, which shall include an application to operate a hosted <br />short term rental prepared and approved by the Community Development Department, including <br />but not limited to the following, the applicant’s name and the address of the dwelling unit where <br />the hosted short-term rental would occur: <br />a) Driver license or State identification card; <br />b) If the permanent primary occupant is not the owner, written permission from the owner to <br />operate hosted short-term rentals, with owner contact information; <br />c) Photos of smoke detector, carbon monoxide detector, and fire extinguisher in the area of <br />the dwelling unit to be rented, and egress from the rental space to the exterior of the <br />building; <br />d) One of the following documents to prove that the applicant/permittee is the primary, <br />permanent resident of the property where the short-term rental is proposed to occur: <br />1) Proof of Homeowner’s Tax Exemption, <br />2) Voter Registration Card or Certificate, <br />3) Proof of vehicle registration, <br />4) Original proof of car insurance, <br />5) One original and most recent utility bill such as from EBMUD, ACI, Waste <br />Management, or PG&E, <br />6) Lease. <br />e) Statement of what advertising platforms will be used to advertise the space to be rented; <br />f) Statement on the locations, recording capabilities, including any sound recording <br />capabilities, and number count of all cameras, security or otherwise, in use within the <br />residential dwelling unit; <br />g) Current City of San Leandro Business License. <br />4-40-150 Approval Procedure. <br />The Finance Director shall consider applications for short-term rentals. The Finance Director may <br />consult, as the Director deems necessary, with the Chief Building Official, Fire Marshal, <br />Community Development Director and Police Chief, or their designees on any application. The <br />Community Development Director shall provide notice to adjacent property owners of a <br />permittee’s application to operate a hosted short term rental. The Community Development <br />Director may refer any application to the Board of Zoning Adjustments / Planning Commission for <br />consideration. If considered by the Board of Zoning Adjustments / Planning Commission, the <br />application shall be heard at a public hearing, which shall be noticed in the same manner as <br />consideration of Conditional Use Permits are noticed. The Finance Director or the Board of <br />Zoning Adjustments / Planning Commission, as the case may be, may approve or disapprove an <br />application or impose conditions of approval which, in his/her/its judgment, are necessary to <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/29/2019 <br />734