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8C Consent Calendar 2019 0603
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2019 0603
8C Consent Calendar 2019 0603
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7/18/2019 3:46:54 PM
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5/29/2019 3:45:07 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 19-274 <br />San Leandro Police Department field personnel averaged 90,335 incidents annually over the last <br />five years (measured from Calendar Year 2014 through 2018). Mitigation and defense of civil <br />liability and allegations of police misconduct consume considerable resources for police <br />departments throughout the United States; the San Leandro Police Department is no exception. <br />The Police Department understands the inherent value in outfitting all field staff with assigned <br />cameras and TASER devices, which is the next evolution in this program. <br />Analysis <br />Staff evaluated the current body camera and TASER device program and equipment inventory. <br />Staff concluded that both the Axon body cameras and TASER devices continue to meet the <br />Police Department’s operational needs. Staff held vendor demonstrations of other providers and <br />found none could match what Axon TASER provides, but also found that an abrupt change to <br />body camera and TASER technologies would pose significant challenges regarding long <br />established training protocols. Moreover, the Axon camera system provides a secure and digital <br />cloud storage management system that now has functionality to allow for footage redaction to <br />comply with recent legislative changes to the California Public Records Act. The Police <br />Department’s Professional Standards and Training Unit sets departmental training plans for each <br />calendar year, including use-of-force training to comply with state mandated trainings from the <br />California Peace Officers’ Standards and Training (POST) Agency. That training program <br />delivers a controlled environment where field personnel work repeatedly at muscle memory <br />activities to ensure safe deployment in stressful environments. Changing equipment platforms to <br />another vendor after five years of daily use disrupts that consistency and thus would open the City <br />to potential liability. <br />City Council Resolution No. 2014-040 approved the purchase and deployment of 80 body worn <br />cameras for field personnel in the Police Department. Axon TASER shipped two (2) extra units <br />as spares for replacements. This brought the department’s total inventory to 82. To reduce <br />program costs, Police Department staff share equipment. On October 03, 2016, the City Council <br />approved the purchase of 10 additional cameras bringing the total count to 92. Staff analyzed <br />current equipment and usage and found that the department now needs 110 body cameras and <br />TASER stun guns deployed to outfit the rest of the department’s field personnel who were sharing <br />that equipment previously. <br />Also, the Police Department is developing plans to deploy an Unmanned Aerial System Program <br />in Fiscal Year 2019-20. Those deployments will require 5 licenses to the software suite available <br />through Axon’s digital evidence storage module. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/29/2019 <br />411
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