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File Number: 19-293 <br />statements and related notes, and supplementary information. Finally, the statistical section <br />includes pertinent financial and non-financial demographic data. <br /> <br />The format of the CAFR is designed to serve the needs of three primary users: the City Council <br />and other governmental oversight bodies, the public, and agencies assessing the City's <br />creditworthiness. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The City's independent auditor completed audits of the City's financial statements and the other <br />reports stated earlier. The audits found no exception to conformance with generally accepted <br />accounting standards and the Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller of the <br />United States. <br /> <br />Maze found the general-purpose financial statements present fairly, in all material ways, the City's <br />financial position as of June 30, 2018. The audited financial statements include the statement of <br />net assets; statements of activities and changes in net assets; balance sheets; statements of <br />revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances; and statements of cash flows. <br /> <br />The CAFR was prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). <br />The GASB established this framework for the financial reports of state and local governments. <br />Important financial statement changes highlighted in the CAFR Management Discussion and <br />Analysis include: <br /> <br />·The City’s assets exceeded its liabilities by $190.2 million (net position) at fiscal year <br />ending June 30, 2018, a decrease of $16.1 million from the prior year. Of the net <br />position, $216.1 million was invested in capital assets, $41.1 million is restricted for <br />other purposes, and ($67.0) million is unrestricted. Restricted fund balance saw an <br />increase of $9.5 million while Net Investment in Capital Assets and Unrestricted fund <br />balance decreased by $5.5 million and $20.1 million, respectively. Assets and Deferred <br />Outflow of Resources increased by $15.2 million from the prior fiscal year, offset by an <br />increase in Liabilities and Deferred Inflow of Resources of $17.7 million. <br />·The City’s governmental fund balance increased by $11.7 million for a fiscal year ending <br />balance of $94.3 million. Of the balance, $11.3 million is not spendable because the <br />funds are not available due to advances and loans to other funds. $41.2 million is <br />Restricted due to the constraints placed on the use of resources. This includes capital <br />projects and debt service payments. $5.3 million is Assigned, which are General fund <br />encumbrances from the prior year and a reserve to fund anticipated Other <br />Post-Employment Benefit costs resulting from the City’s contract for Fire Services with <br />Alameda County. Lastly, $36.5 million is Unassigned and available for spending in the <br />future. <br /> <br />·The City's business-type activities include the Water Pollution Control Plant, Shoreline, <br />Storm Water Utility, and Environmental Services. The total net position for all four funds <br />was $52.8 million at fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, an increase of $1.1 million over <br />the prior fiscal year. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/29/2019 <br />447