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A. Applicant shall implement the site design measures, source controls, and <br />construction best management practices identified in the Stormwater <br />Requirements Checklist submitted with the project application. Prior to Building <br />Plan approval, the grading, improvement, and site plans shall reflect the <br />implementation of the stormwater requirements identified in the Stormwater <br />Requirements Checklist submitted with the project application. <br />B. All drainage structures and design elements that are not standard to the City of <br />San Leandro shall be adequately detailed in the final improvement plans. <br />C. An encroachment permit will be required for any work contemplated within the <br />City of San Leandro right-of-way or easements. The installation of the sewer <br />laterals, storm drain lateral, fire water service, domestic water service, curb, <br />gutter, and sidewalk, where necessary, will trigger the requirement of an <br />encroachment permit. <br />D. The damaged existing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the project frontage shall <br />be removed and replaced as part of this project. In addition, the existing drive <br />approach at the southwest corner of the development shall be removed and <br />replaced with new curb, gutter and sidewalk per the City of San Leandro <br />standards. <br />E. The proposed drive approach shall meet the City of San Leandro standard plan <br />drawing number 102 for a "Concrete Driveway Approach." <br />F. The project plans show numerous utility cuts in the street directly in front of the <br />project. This will cause unacceptable ride quality and accelerated deterioration <br />of the street surface. The pavement condition index (PCI) of Alvarado Street <br />shall be assessed before and after construction. Appropriate remediation <br />measures based on any change in the PCI shall be required as part of the <br />project approvals. At a minimum, slurry seal shall be applied to all public streets <br />along the frontage of the project. Pretreatments such as pothole patching, crack <br />sealing, and dig outs shall be performed where they are needed before the <br />application of slurry seal. The City of San Leandro may, by agreement, delay <br />the paving to coincide with the Antonio & Alvarado development across the <br />street. If paving is delayed, hot mix asphalt shall be used to repair the trenches <br />according to the City of San Leandro Standards. A prorated share cost <br />agreement for the necessary pavement treatment along Alvarado Street may <br />also be considered. <br />G. The recommendations of the Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Services <br />Report shall be adhered to for the design of the parking lot. The Preliminary <br />recommendations identify Light Duty (Automobile Parking; T1=5) as having 3 <br />inches of Asphalt Concrete over 8 inches of Class II Aggregate Base. <br />Alternatives are discussed in the report. This recommendation also states that <br />Agreement to Conditions March 7, 2019 <br />PLN 18-0047 Page 9 of 15 <br />