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with all of the requirements of Government Code Section 66020, the applicant <br />will be legally barred from later challenging any such fees, dedications, <br />reservations or other exactions. <br />N. The proposed development shall comply with the City ordinances, policies and <br />regulations. All improvements shall be in accordance with the City's Design <br />Standards, Specifications and Standard Plans unless otherwise specifically <br />approved by the Principal Engineer. <br />O. A Grading Permit is necessary for the project. The requirements for said permit <br />are indicated in San Leandro Municipal Code §7-12. The permit will be issued <br />prior to or concurrent with the Building Permit. <br />P. If the project creates or replaces more than 10,000 square feet of impervious <br />surface, or creates or replaces more than 5,000 square feet of impervious <br />surface for a parking area, it will be considered a Regulated Project according <br />to Provision C.3.b of the San Francisco Bay Region Municipal Regional <br />Stormwater NPDES Permit (Order No. R2-2015-0049, NPDES Permit No. <br />CAS612008, adopted 11/19/2015). Regulated projects must treat stormwater <br />runoff before releasing to the public storm drainage system. An executed <br />Operations and Maintenance agreement in accordance with MRP section C.3.h <br />shall be required prior to Grading Permit issuance. If pervious paving is utilized <br />to decrease the impervious surface to below the regulated thresholds, then said <br />pervious paving must be designed in accordance with Section 6.6 of the <br />Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program Guidebook. The pervious storage <br />material must be sufficient to hold the MRP section C.3.d volume of rainfall <br />runoff as evidenced by calculations. The calculations must be prepared <br />according to the Volume Hydraulic Design Basis, Flow Hydraulic Design Basis, <br />or Combination Flow and Volume Design Basis. <br />Q. The applicant shall locate all electric and communications utilities serving the <br />site underground. <br />R. The applicant shall reduce storm water pollution by implementing the following <br />pollution source control measures: <br />a) Structures shall be designed to discourage the occurrence and entry of <br />pests into buildings, thus minimizing the need for pesticides. The trash area <br />shall be separated from the rest of the building by concrete or masonry walls <br />so that pests that gain access to the area are less likely to access the rest <br />of the building. <br />b) All storm drains shall be marked "NO DUMPING, DRAINS TO BAY" as per <br />the City of San Leandro Standard Plan Dwg. No. 204. All proposed storm <br />drain inlets that are not within bioretention areas shall have "United Storm <br />Water" or similar trash capture devices. <br />c) All on-site storm drains shall be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned at <br />least twice a year immediately prior to the rainy season. <br />Agreement to Conditions March 7, 2019 <br />PLN 18-0047 Page 11 of 15 <br />