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and weeds at all times. <br />B. Parking lots, landscaping, and all common areas on the property shall be <br />monitored and maintained to collect and prevent the accumulation of errant <br />litter and debris. <br />C. Any graffiti shall be promptly removed from building walls, perimeter walls <br />and/or fences. The developer and its successors in interest shall comply with <br />the rules and regulations of the City's graffiti removal program and shall grant <br />a license and right of entry as requested to enforce the terms of such program. <br />D. All fencing and walls on the project site shall be structurally sound, graffiti- free <br />and well maintained at all times. <br />E. Proposed fencing shall be 8 -foot tall wood fencing as identified on the Site Plan <br />Exhibits. <br />F. All landscaping improvements shall be maintained in a healthy, growing <br />condition at all times. <br />G. Upon demolition or removal of existing structures and improvements, the site <br />shall be enclosed with a security fence with appropriate screening measures. <br />H. The storage and display of equipment, materials, and merchandise outside of <br />the building shall be prohibited. Vehicles shall be restricted to designated parking <br />areas upon paved surfaces. <br />The use and placement of storage containers, vehicle trailers or other equipment <br />on public streets or within the parking lot shall be prohibited at all times. <br />IX. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br />A. All exterior mechanical equipment such as air conditioning/heating units and <br />antennas shall be screened from view so as not to be visible from adjacent <br />properties or streets to the satisfaction of the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />B. All uses and activities shall comply with the provisions of the San Leandro Noise <br />Regulations (Title IV, Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code). <br />C. No temporary or unauthorized signs including but not limited to banners, <br />streamers and pennants shall be placed on the property, unless approved by the <br />City under a Temporary Sign Permit or Special Event Permit. The use of feather <br />signs, animated or inflatable signs, balloons, and lasers shall be prohibited at all <br />times. <br />D. No objectionable odors emanating from the buildings or trash enclosures shall be <br />Agreement to Conditions March 7, 2019 <br />PLN 18-0047 Page 14 of 15 <br />