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CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE §1189 <br />A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the <br />document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy,orvalidity ofthat document. <br />State of California , <br />On before me, <br />Date Here Insed Name and Title of tAe Officer <br />Is t. < i Ch <br />personally appearedName(s) of Signer(s) <br />who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to whose is/ere <br />subscribed tothe within instrument and acknowledged to methat he/oh**/theyexecuted the same in <br />his/tw/t"ir authorized capacity(ies-), and that by his/her/their signature(o on the instrument the person(s), <br />or the entity upon behalf of which the person(a) acted, executed the instrument. <br />I certify under PENALTY {}FPERJURY under the laws <br />of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph <br />iatrue and correct. <br />OPTIONAL <br />Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration ofthe documentm <br />fraudulent reattachment o/this form to anunintended document,_~� <br />Title or Type of Document: <br />Number ofPages: _____ <br />Signer(s) Other Than N <br />Capaoity(ies)Claimed bySigner(s) <br />Signer's Name: <br />Partner — Limited J,G66eral <br />i Individual I Attorney in Fact <br />� Trustee "",,<f"G'uardian or Conservator <br />nUng: <br />ment Date: <br />Signer's Name: <br />|| Corporate Officer — Title(s): <br />UPodner— ULimited UGenem| <br />|| Individual U Attorney in Fact <br />ITruetee UGuardian or Conservator <br />i] Other: <br />Signer Is Representing: <br />(92O14National Notary Association ^^1-8UO-USNOTARY (1-OUO-878-S827} Item #50O7 <br />