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BUDGET GUIDE <br />4 <br />The City of San Leandro's biennial budget is a financial plan and includes the biennial <br />operating budget and the capital improvement plan that support the Council's Vision and <br />Goals. It also represents the official organizational plan by which City policies, priorities <br />and programs are implemented. The biennial budget serves as a communication tool <br />with the residents, businesses and employees about how the City's financial resources <br />are allocated to provide services to the community. <br />The following is a brief outline of the contents of the biennial budget book with details <br />found in Section 21 Appendices: <br />Budget Message (Section 2): The City Manager's Budget Message aims to provide <br />the reader with highlights of the operating and capital budgets and a sufficient context to <br />understand how and why budgetary changes occurred between fiscal years. <br />Community Profile (Section 3): The purpose of this section is to give the reader an at- <br />a -glance look at the City's attributes, including information on education, housing, <br />transportation, and City heritage, as well as demographic data and basic infrastructure <br />statistics. <br />Financial Summary (Section 4): Summary of all funds, financial analyses, tables and <br />charts, and provides a summary of assumptions used in creating the multi-year forecasts. <br />General Fund (Section 5): City's discretionary General Fund summaries of expenditures <br />and revenues, detailed summaries of key General Fund revenues, ten-year forecast and <br />reserves. <br />Other Funds, Enterprise/Internal Service Funds, and Successor Agency Funds <br />(Sections 6, 7 and 8): Six-year forecasts and summaries for the City's key non -General <br />Fund operating funds. <br />Staffing (Section 9): The Staffing section includes job titles of the full-time and part-time <br />positions authorized for each Department and a comparative table that provides five years <br />of budget data. <br />Departments (Sections 10-18): Provides department organizational charts, <br />departmental descriptions, accomplishments, goals, program changes and financial <br />summaries. <br />Capital Improvement Projects (Section 19): Overview of major capital projects and the <br />revenues, expenditures and staff authorized to support these projects. <br />SAN, . <br />