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File Number: 19-137 <br />The following is an excerpt from the Fiber Optic Master Plan: <br />“Of those expressing low overall satisfaction, 61% indicated that there were no other <br />(internet) service options in their area and 62% were dissatisfied because the connection <br />was slow or unreliable. These results suggest an opportunity for a provider with <br />high-speed, reliable broadband to capture significant market share with the residential <br />sector.” <br />The City has broadband infrastructure and assets that can be made available to support the <br />creation of a wireless residential broadband network. Recognizing the opportunity, Common <br />Networks began discussions with the City about the possibility of expanding their service to San <br />Leandro. <br />The discussions resulted in two separate but related agreements that would enable Common <br />Networks to expand into San Leandro by utilizing City assets to create a citywide wireless <br />broadband network: <br />(1) License Agreement to Access Rooftops on City Facilities; and <br />(2) License Agreement to License Dark Fiber from the City-owned Fiber Strands. <br />The key terms and conditions of the Rooftop License are: <br />·The agreement term would be five years and would automatically renew each year <br />thereafter, subject to either party’s right to cancel without cause upon 180 days’ notice; <br />·Common Networks would pay the City an annual per site license fee, based on fair market <br />value, to access rooftop space to install antennas and related equipment to support its <br />network; <br />·The Agreement will govern all site licenses. The terms of the site licenses would run <br />concurrently; <br />·The Agreement will be non-exclusive; and <br />·Common Networks must ensure non-interference with other City-owned wireless facilities, <br />such as public Wi-Fi. <br /> The key terms and conditions of the Fiber License include the following: <br />·The term would be five years and would automatically renew each year thereafter, subject <br />to either party’s right to cancel without cause upon 180 days’ notice; <br />·Common Networks would pay the City a rate per foot, per month, per strand (charged <br />annually) to access City owned fibers; <br />Where available, Common Network’s antennas on City rooftops would connect to City <br />fibers; and <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/12/2019 <br />295