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Annual Street Sealing 2018-19 ($3.3M) <br />San Leandro City streets are organized into four asphalt concrete (AC) maintenance areas. This 2019 project will apply <br />preservation surface treatments to a number of streets in north-western quadrant of the City. Streets in this quadrant, that <br />are not overly distressed, were evaluated and selected for the appropriate preservation application. Treatments include slur- <br />ry seal, asphalt rubber chip seal, and micro-surfacing. <br />The project will also upgrade curb ramps to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards <br />Construction is scheduled for summer 2019. This project will treat a total of 19.0 lane miles of roadway. <br />This project was made possible with the following funding:- SB-1, Gas Tax, CalRecycle grant, and Measure B/ <br />BB funds. <br />Measure B/BB funds are administered by Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC). <br />Information regarding this and other regional Measure B funded projects can be found at the Alameda CTC's website. <br />Project Manager: John O’Driscoll 510-577-3494 <br />31