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File Number: 19-314 <br />·Traffic signal modifications to convert the left-turn signal phasing for the eastbound and <br />westbound approaches on Aladdin Avenue from “protected” to “protected-permissive” <br />signal phasing with flashing yellow arrows thus allowing side-street traffic to more easily <br />turn onto Alvarado Street; <br />·Connecting the traffic signal controller to the City’s fiber optic network to allow for better <br />coordination with surrounding signals; <br />·Reconstruction of sidewalks and curb ramps for disabled accessibility; <br />·Constructing new storm drain features for proper street drainage; and <br />·Relocating a joint utility pole to eliminate a conflict with a proposed driveway. <br />Plans for the improvements, in conformance with City standards, were submitted by the property <br />owner and approved by the City Engineer. A Standard Public Improvement Agreement with the <br />property owner will provide hold harmless and indemnification provisions for the City during the <br />design and construction of the improvements and will assure completion of the improvements. <br />Performance and payment surety bonds for the value of the work of $426,767 have been <br />submitted to guarantee that the required improvements will be constructed and that all costs will <br />be paid. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />·Advance projects and programs promoting sustainable economic development, including <br />transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation <br />Previous Actions <br />·On May 7, 2018, the City Council heard an appeal from the applicant that sought to <br />overturn the BZA March 1, 2018 decision and staff's recommendation with respect to the <br />Conditional Use Permit requirement contained in the approval. <br />·On June 18, 2018, by Resolution No. 2018-065, the City Council approved APL 18-0002, <br />the applicant’s appeal of the Conditional Use Permit requirement, thus allowing <br />Warehouse-Wholesale/Retail Distribution Facilities as a Permitted Use after a 12-month <br />period has elapsed from the City’s issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy T-1.2; Keeping Pace with Growth: Improve transportation infrastructure at a rate that keeps <br />pace with growth. <br />Policy LU-10.; Off-site Impacts. Consider potential for impacts on adjacent uses, including the <br />potential for land use conflicts and increased parking demand and truck traffic. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Building Permit B19-0564 was issued by the City’s Building Department on April 1, 2019. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/25/2019 <br />41