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File Number: 19-340 <br />demographic growth projections for all income levels. The following was included in the APR for 2018 <br />submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (CA HCD): <br />1) Status of the implementation of policy goals objectives identified in the Housing Element; <br />a. New housing opportunities <br />b. Affordable housing development <br />c. Administration of housing programs <br />d. Home ownership <br />e. Affordable housing conservation <br />f. Green and sustainable neighborhoods <br />g. Special needs populations <br />h. Elimination of housing constraints <br />i. Fair housing <br />2) Progress during the calendar year in meeting San Leandro’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation <br />(RHNA) for housing units completed (including regulated affordable housing-itemizing by <br />affordability level); <br />3) The number of housing development applications received in the calendar year; <br />4) The number of housing units included in all development applications in the calendar year; and <br />5) The total number of new housing units completed to date (i.e. in the case of the 2018 APR, <br />construction completions from 2015-2018 are summed). <br />San Leandro’s RHNA consists of a total of 2,287 housing units for the 2015 to 2023 period. This is an <br />increase of 40% from the allocation for the period of 2007 to 2014 which was 1,630 housing units. <br />During the 2007-2014 planning period there were 232 new housing units that had building permits <br />issued. Overall this was about 14% of the City’s total RHNA goal of 1,630 for that period. The <br />breakdown of these accomplishments to date are detailed in Attachment A, Table 1. <br />In San Leandro, there have been no building permits issued for very low-, low- and moderate-income <br />regulated affordable housing in calendar year 2018. However, since 2015, there have been 109 very <br />low- and 88 low-income units permitted/constructed. The number of building permits issued for above <br />moderate-income housing units in this planning period continues to be slow as reflected in Attachment <br />A, Table 2. There were only 7 building permits issued in 2018. Since 2015, there have been a total <br />number of 23 above moderate-income housing units issued building permits. <br />The implications for this is significant given the passage of SB 35 (Wiener) Streamline Approval <br />Process adopted in the Fall 2017 California legislative session. This law requires a streamlined <br />approval process, under specified conditions, for housing construction in cities that have not met <br />incremental RHNA goals as determined by the Association of Bay Area Governments. Attachment A, <br />Table 2 illustrates where the City of San Leandro is with regard to meeting the SB 35 RHNA thresholds <br />that would allow or disallow this streamlining. Note that all proposed developments that are allowed <br />permission to proceed under this new law are required to have 10% regulated affordable housing units <br />included in the development. <br />According to the California Department of Housing and Community Development, the City of San <br />Leandro is compliant with the 2017 SB 35 streamlining thresholds for the very low- and low-income <br />category, but the City is not in compliance with the thresholds for the above moderate-income category. <br />In 2018, these thresholds increased to 50% of the RHNA goal. In other words, SB 35 requires that <br />between 2015 and 2018 the City of San Leandro issue building permits for 387 Very Low and Low <br />Income housing units and 756 building permits at the end of this Housing Element APR for moderate- <br />and above moderate-income housing. <br />For affordable housing development, the City of San Leandro will not meet the SB 35 goals even with <br />the nonprofit Eden Housing development at Parrot Street and San Leandro Blvd that has secured all the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/25/2019 <br />121