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DisclosureDocs DisclosureDocs'" is your robust desktop application that provides numerous features to help you manage <br />Subscription your Filers, Conflict of Interest Code changes, Full and Facial Reviews, generate Letters, Emails, business <br />process Reports and manage your corresponding Public Access and Electronic Filing components. <br />eDisclosurel" application allows your Filers to login and file for all positions that he/she is holding as well as <br />submit the filing to their Filing Officer(s). <br />eDisclosurel" Filing Official module is a web based system that engages your Filing Officials or Contact <br />Persons at the Department Level and provides tools for them to perform their responsibilities of managing <br />their Department. <br />Filer Review- allows the Filing Officer to perform the required tasks of verifying the accuracy of forms and <br />if needed requesting necessary Amendments. 20% on time and 100 % late filings. 10 % needs to be picked <br />at random. <br />Conflict of Interest Code Module - allows your departments to simplify and automate the creation and <br />collaboration of the Biennial Reviews and the Code Amendments (ExhibitA and B). This process <br />streamlines the acceptance of the Code and drastically improves the productivity of the entire <br />organization. <br />Public Kiosk -The Public is able to search for filings in your office without the need of taking staffs time to <br />pull the original records using your Public Kiosk. <br />DisclosureDocs Web Publisher -Allows redacting and publishing the filed forms to your website. You are <br />able to publish both - the Electronic as well as the Paper Filings. Public is given a robust Online eRetrieval <br />System that helps them find the information they are searching for. <br />Ethics/SHP Training Tracking - Ethics and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Tracking Modules work <br />hand in hand with our DisclosureDocs /eDisclosure System. This Module allows tracking the Ethics <br />Certificates and notifying Filers of their Ethics Training requirements. <br />CampaignDocs CampaignDocsM is a powerful desktop system used by the ROV staff that provides numerous features <br />Subscription to help you manage your Campaign Filers, generate letters, emails, run reports on Filings, scan paper <br />filing and receive Electronic Filings submitted by the filers that use eCampaign Module. <br />eCampaignM system is a benefit to your filers. Your filers will be able to use our data screens to enter <br />their contributions / expenditures as they occur and file their forms by the due date. The system will <br />validate the information and summarize all the information on the forms. There are several tools that <br />will help your Filer properly file their filings. <br />Public access to your filings is available through your Public Kiosk in an unredacted form using our <br />CampaignDocs PublicAccessM module. The Public is able to search for filings in your office without the <br />need of taking staff time to pull the original records. This is not only a cost savings for your staff but <br />eliminates the risk of the original filing disappearing or becoming misfiled when it's returned. If the <br />Public wants a copy of a filing, they order it at the kiosk and payfor it at the counter where they will pick <br />up their copy. <br />CampaignDocs WebPublisherM module the public has access to redacted copies of the filings on the <br />web. The public is able to search, view and print from their own computer without the need of using <br />your agency's resources. <br />