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advance approval from USEPA before building demolition. Even in circumstances where advance <br />notification to or approval from USEPA is not required before the demolition activity, the disposal of <br />PCBs waste shall be regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Additionally, the <br />disposal of PCBs waste shall be subject to California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 Section <br />66262. Additional information shall be in the Applicant Package. <br />3-23-700. COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA AND FEDERAL PCBS LAWS AND <br />REGULATIONS <br />Applicants must comply with all Federal and California laws and regulations, including but not <br />limited to health, safety, and environmental laws and regulations, that relate to management and <br />cleanup of any and all PCBs, including but not limited to PCBs in Priority Building Materials, other <br />PCBs -contaminated materials, PCBs -contaminated liquids, and PCBs waste. <br />3-23-800. INFORMATION SUBMISSION AND APPLICANT CERTIFICATION <br />(a) The Applicant shall conduct a PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment and <br />submit the associated information and results as part of the building demolition permit <br />application, including the following (see Applicant Package for more details): <br />1. Owner and project information, including location, year building was built, <br />description of building construction type, and anticipated demolition date. <br />2. Determination of whether the building proposed for demolition is high priority for <br />PCBs -containing building materials based on the structure age, use, and construction. <br />3. If high priority for PCBs -containing building materials based on the structure age, <br />use, and construction, the concentration of PCBs in each Priority Building Materials <br />present. If PCBs concentrations are determined via representative sampling and <br />analysis, include a contractor's report documenting the assessment, which includes <br />the completed QA/QC checklist from the Protocol for Assessing Priority PCBs - <br />Containing Materials before Building Demolition and the analytical laboratory <br />results. <br />4. For each Priority Building Material present with a PCBs concentration equal to or <br />greater than 50 ppm, the approximate amount (linear feet or square feet) of that <br />material in the building (see Applicant Package for more details). <br />5. Applicant's certification of the accuracy of the information submitted. <br />(b) The Building Division of the Community Development Department shall specify a format or <br />guidance for the submission of the information. <br />3-23-900. RECORDKEEPING <br />Applicants conducting a building demolition project must maintain documentation of the results of <br />the PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment for a minimum of five years after <br />submittal. <br />3-23-1000. OBLIGATION TO NOTIFY THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO OF CHANGES <br />The Applicant shall submit written notifications documenting any changes in the information <br />submitted in compliance with this Article. <br />The Applicant shall submit the revised information to the Building Division of the Community <br />Development Department when changes in project conditions affect the information submitted with <br />the permit application. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2019-012 <br />