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d. Rubber Window Gaskets: e.g., used in lieu of caulking to seal around windows in steel - <br />framed buildings. <br />(k) "Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment Applicant Package" (Applicant Package) <br />means a document package that includes an overview of the screening process, Applicant <br />instructions, a process flow chart, a screening assessment form, and the Protocol for Evaluating <br />Priority PCBs -Containing Materials before Building Demolition (BASMAA 2018, prepared for the <br />Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association, August 2018). <br />(1) "Regional Water Board" means the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San <br />Francisco Bay Region. <br />(m) "Remodel" means to make significant finish and/or structural changes that increase utility and <br />appeal through complete replacement and/or expansion. A removed area reflects fundamental <br />changes that include multiple alterations. These alterations may include some or all of the following: <br />replacement of a major component (cabinet(s), bathtub, or bathroom tile), relocation of plumbing/gas <br />fixtures/appliances, or significant structural alterations (relocating walls, and/or the addition of <br />square footage). <br />Section 3. APPLICABILITY <br />This Article applies to Applicants for buildings constructed or remodeled from January 1, 1950 to <br />December 31, 1980. <br />Section 4. EXEMPTIONS <br />Applications for remodeling, partial building, wood framed structure, and single-family residence <br />demolition projects are exempt. <br />Section 5. PCBS IN PRIORITY BUILDING MATERIALS SCREENING ASSESSMENT <br />Every Applicant for a building demolition permit shall conduct a PCBs in Priority Building Materials <br />Screening Assessment, a two-step process used to <br />a. determine whether the building proposed for demolition is high priority for PCBs -containing <br />building materials based on the structure age, use, and construction (i.e., whether the building <br />is an Applicable Structure); and if so <br />b. demonstrate the presence or absence and concentration of PCBs in Priority Building <br />Materials through existing information or representative sampling and chemical analysis of <br />the Priority Building Materials in the building. <br />Applicants shall follow the directions provided in the PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening <br />Assessment Applicant Package (Applicant Package), which includes an overview of the process, <br />Applicant instructions, a process flow chart, a screening assessment form, and the Protocol for <br />Assessing Priority PCBs -Containing Materials before Building Demolition. Per the Applicant <br />Package, for certain types of buildings built within a specified date range, the Applicant must <br />conduct further assessment to determine whether or not PCBs are present at concentrations > 50 <br />ppm. This determination shall be made via existing data on specific product formulations (if <br />available), or via conducting representative sampling of the priority building materials and analyzing <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2019-011 4 <br />