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File Number: 19-411 <br />City Council-appropriated funds from across two fiscal years toward commissioning a significant <br />sculpture or other work of public art that could be installed in a prominent public location. <br />Before selecting the location for the art, members of the Commission conducted site visits at <br />various locations throughout the City, including all of the potential sites identified in the Public Art <br />Master Plan. That list of sites for this project was then winnowed and presented to the whole Arts <br />Commission for its consideration in 2018. A number of variables were considered in the site <br />selection process. First and foremost, because the art work would be paid for using City funds, <br />the underlying property would need to be owned and maintained by the City. In addition, the <br />Commission felt that the location should be one that is centrally located and frequently visited by a <br />broad cross-section of the public, enabling residents from across the whole City to benefit. <br />Ultimately, the Arts Commission selected the grassy courtyard area in front of the Main Library as <br />its preferred location for installation, following consultation with Library staff. This location was <br />recommended by the Commission because it most closely met the criteria above. The Arts <br />Commission has also discussed commissioning additional public art in other locations <br />throughout San Leandro neighborhoods in the future, consistent with recommendations outlined in <br />the Public Art Master Plan. <br />Concurrent with its process to identify a location for the art work, the Commission also launched a <br />competitive process to identify an artist with whom a contract could be established for the <br />development and installation of the artwork. With the assistance of an arts consultant, artworks <br />from 16 artists from across the United States with experience developing public art for <br />government entities were presented to a committee of the Arts Commission. From that list, a <br />sub-set of finalists was identified and presented to the entire Arts Commission at a <br />publicly-noticed meeting for its review and consideration using a numerical evaluation and <br />points-allocation based on various objective scoring criteria. Mildred Howard scored the highest <br />number of points. A summary of Ms. Howard’s qualifications and experience is provided below. <br />Although the specific details of the art are yet to be finalized, it is currently envisioned to be a <br />bronze sculpture, which is a type of art that Ms. Howard specializes in and has significant <br />experience developing. If the City Council approves the contract, Ms. Howard would be tasked by <br />contract to present draft designs to the Arts Commission for its review and feedback at future <br />publicly-noticed Arts Commission meetings. <br />The Arts Commission is also seeking delegated authority from the City Council to select and <br />authorize the final design that is developed by the artist. <br />About Mildred Howard <br />Mildred Howard is a local Bay Area artist who grew up in Berkeley. She has a strong track <br />record of developing significant works of art in prominent locations across the country. Known for <br />her sculptural installations and mixed-media assemblage work, Howard received her MFA from <br />John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, CA. In 2015 she received the Lee Krasner Award, in <br />recognition of a lifetime of artistic achievement. She has also been the recipient of the Nancy <br />Graves Grant for Visual Artists (2017), the Joan Mitchell Foundation Award (2004/05), a <br />fellowship from the California Arts Council (2003), the Adeline Kent Award from San Francisco <br />Art Institute (1991), and, most recently, the Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts and the Douglas G. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/9/2019 <br />504