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File Number: 19-378 <br />The subject property is located downtown and zoned DA-1 (Downtown Area 1), bounded by W. <br />Juana Avenue, Washington Avenue, and Parrott Street with Hays Street located a half block to <br />the west. The property at 268 Parrott Street currently consists of two vacant parcels at the corner <br />comprising an “L” shape of ±18,378 square feet. Surrounding properties on Parrott Street and <br />Washington Avenue are a mix of residential, office and commercial developments. The property <br />to the immediate north is a single family residence, commercial retail businesses including Pelton <br />Plaza are to the east, a bank, duplex, single family residence and restaurant are across the street <br />to the south, and a single story multi-family residence is to the immediate west. <br />This project site is located four blocks east of the San Leandro BART station and AC Transit’s <br />Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) terminus. The site is one block away from East 14th Street, the City’s <br />main north-south arterial, with several AC Transit bus stops. Freeway entrances for both Interstate <br />880 and Interstate 580 are about one mile from the site. Washington Avenue in front of the <br />property has a bike lane which connects to the greater citywide bicycle network. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The parcel at 1595 Washington Avenue was once owned by EBMUD and was subsequently <br />purchased by the City of San Leandro Redevelopment Agency in September 2004. The adjacent <br />parcel at 268 Parrott St. was later purchased by the City and had a single-family home on the site <br />in 1998 that was soon thereafter demolished to create a parking lot that formerly served the <br />downtown area. Having ownership of both 1595 Washington Avenue and 268 Parrott Street, the <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency launched a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking to <br />redevelop the property in 2005 as a consolidated development site. <br /> <br />The RFP included information about the City’s vision for development, zoning and other <br />regulations, submittal requirements, and selection criteria. Following analysis of the proposals <br />received, the Agency entered into an Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement (ENRA) with EF <br />Communities. In June 2007, EF Communities withdrew its proposal due to changing market <br />conditions. In July 2007, the City entered into an ENRA with John Benjamin Company LLC for <br />development of the site. In August 2008, the ENRA term expired. In October, 2008, the RDA <br />executed a third ENRA for development of the site, this time with Langon Homes. The agreement <br />expired prior to initiation of any development activity. <br />On November 28, 2016, the Successor Agency released an RFP for the purchase and sale of <br />1595 Washington Avenue and 268 Parrott Street. After a careful review of the offers and <br />interviews, Langon Construction was found to provide a proposal that best met the selection <br />criteria and goals for the site. Langon Construction specializes in moderate to medium density <br />in-fill housing through redevelopment or on vacant land. <br />BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS AND PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS <br />On June 6, 2019, the Planning Commission (PC) and Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA), acting <br />in their capacity as the BZA, adopted Resolution 2019-005, entitling Langon Construction to <br />develop a four-story (55’- 3” height) ±44,789 square foot mixed-use building with 26 residential <br />units, related amenities, ground floor commercial tenant space and a parking garage on two <br />±18,378 square foot vacant parcels located at 268 Parrott Street. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/9/2019 <br />30