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File Number: 19-326 <br />A Master Agreement between SLUSD and the City for recreational use and maintenance of <br />school sites that covers Farrelly Pool, Cherry Grove Park, Floresta Park and Burrell Field-Pacific <br />Sports Complex was approved by the City Council on May 6, 2019. <br />Analysis <br />A total of two bids were received at the June 25, 2019 bid opening; the base bids (without <br />alternates) were $4,500,000 and $6,620,000. The pre-bid engineer’s estimate was $4,610,000. <br />The bid of $4,500,000 was deemed non-responsive because the bidder’s required California <br />Class “B” license is still pending, although the bidder holds the requisite contractors licenses in <br />many other states. <br />The one responsive bid is 44% above the engineer’s estimate and would raise the total cost for <br />the project to $8,600,000, which is 87% more than currently budgeted. The project would require <br />appropriation of $4,000,000 of additional funds if the project were awarded to this contractor. <br />Staff will review the timing of re-bid with both bidders as well as firms who purchased plans but <br />did not bid in order to determine a timeframe for re-bidding that maximizes competition. Staff will <br />also request a quote for the project through the National Joint Powers Alliance, which offers Job <br />Order Contracting (JOC) through an umbrella contract. The JOC process complies with the City’s <br />purchasing guidelines and could potentially reduce the schedule impact of rejecting bids. A new <br />schedule for the project will also be developed in consultation with the San Leandro Unified <br />School District. <br /> <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />·Support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances <br />the quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride <br />Previous Actions <br />·On April 16th, 2018 by Resolution No. 2018-031, the City Council approved the original <br />design contract with Glass Architects for $277,127, and authorized cumulative change <br />orders up to 25% ($69,282) of the original contract amount. <br />·On May 6, 2019 by Resolution No. 2019-077, the City Council awarded a $134,185 <br />Construction Contract to Demolition Services and Grading, Incorporated for the Farrelly <br />Pool Replacement - Demolition Phase, Project No. 2018.3420, authorized the City <br />Manager to negotiate and approve individual Change Orders up to 5% of the Original <br />Contract Amount; and Authorized the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Change <br />Orders Up to a Cumulative Value of 25% of the Original Contract Amount; <br />·On May 6, 2019 by Resolution No. 2019-078, the City Council Authorized the City <br />Manager to Execute a Memorandum of Understanding Between the San Leandro Unified <br />School District and the City of San Leandro for the Construction of the Farrelly Pool <br />Replacement. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/9/2019 <br />304