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File Number: 19-326 <br />·On April 3, 2019 staff presented the 50% design plans to the City Council Facilities and <br />Transportation Committee. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy OSC-1.2 Park Maintenance. Provide for the regular, systematic maintenance of <br />San Leandro’s parks and recreational facilities to prevent deterioration, ensure public <br />safety, and permit continued public use and enjoyment. <br />·Policy OSC-1.4 Priority on Renovation. Where cost savings and equivalent benefits would <br />be achieved, rehabilitate existing recreational facilities before building entirely new <br />facilities. A priority should be placed on renovating athletic fields and swimming pools, <br />improving energy efficiency, and replacing outdated facilities with new facilities that are <br />safe, attractive, and more responsive to current needs. <br />·Policy OSC-4.1 Joint Use Agreements. Promote joint use agreements between the City <br />and the San Leandro Unified School District and the San Lorenzo Unified School District <br />to maximize public access to school recreational facilities and grounds during non-school <br />hours. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project was deemed Categorically Exempt per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />section 15310 Class 1 (d) for existing structures. A CEQA Notice of Exemption was recorded on <br />February 4, 2019 with the Alameda County Recorder’s Office. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />This work will be done under the following permits: <br />·A building permit from the City’s Community Development Department <br />·A permit from the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health (ACDEH) for the <br />swimming pool and associated equipment. <br />·A permit from the Division of State Architect (DSA) for the perimeter fence and walls on <br />Roosevelt Middle School. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·A public meeting / open house was held on Wednesday March 27, 2019 at Roosevelt <br />School. Recreation and Human Services staff distributed flyers to nearby residents. The <br />proposed project, including the pool size and depth, and the building area and footprint, <br />was presented to the public. Staff was available to answer questions and the public was <br />invited to submit comments or suggestions. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total project cost is as follows: <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/9/2019 <br />305