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File Number: 19-406 <br />The Bay Fair Zoning Code amendments will be a critical next step in implementing the Specific <br />Plan. As per the attached scope of work, the outreach process for the amendments will include <br />the following: <br />·Work session with the City Council; <br />·Minimum of two stakeholder group meetings; <br />·Two community meetings - one before the draft amendments are prepared and one during <br />the public review of the draft amendments; <br />·Work session at the Planning Commission; <br />·Planning Commission Public Hearing; and <br />·City Council Public Hearing to introduce and adopt the Zoning Code amendments. <br />Previous Actions <br />On February 20, 2018, the City Council adopted the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan, which identified <br />the need for Zoning Map and Zoning Text Amendments to establish the B-TOD Zoning District as <br />a short-term action item critical to Plan implementation. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·General Plan Policy LU-8.10: Bay Fair Area. Transform the area around the Bay Fair <br />BART station, including Bayfair Center, other shopping centers, and properties along <br />Hesperian, East 14th Street, and other major arterials, into a dynamic new transit oriented <br />development area. Future development in this area should reposition Bayfair Center to <br />reflect current trends in retailing; add a mix of higher-density residential, office, and other <br />commercial uses; maximize the potential for BART use; and minimize dependence on <br />autos for daily trips. <br />·General Plan Action LU-8.10.A: Bay Fair Station Transit Village. Complete the Bay <br />Fair BART Transit Village Specific Plan now underway. The Plan should outline a vision for <br />the area's future development, include standards and guidelines for future development, <br />and present a strategy for achieving desired end results. Following its adoption, undertake <br />rezoning and capital improvements to facilitate implementation. <br />·General Plan Policy ED-4.8: Bayfair Center. Support continued reinvestment in Bayfair <br />Center, restoring the center’s role as a regional destination while reinventing it to reflect <br />modern retail trends and incorporate a more pedestrian-oriented, mixed use format. <br />Environmental Review <br />No environmental review is required for the authorization to execute the consulting services <br />agreement with Aaron Welch Planning. Appropriate environmental documentation will be <br />completed for the Bay Fair Zoning Amendments. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/9/2019 <br />393