Exhibit A
<br />Legal Description of Shoreline Area
<br />The land referred to herein is situated in the State of California, County of Alameda, City of San
<br />Leandro and described as follows:
<br />TRACT ONE:
<br />Parcel One:
<br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of West Avenue 132, formerly First Avenue,
<br />with the Rancho San Leandro Grant Line, distant on said center line South 620 30' West, 306.94 feet
<br />from the center line of Neptune Drive, formerly Bay Street, as said Grant Line, First Avenue and Bay
<br />Street are shown on the Map of "Mulford Gardens Addition, Alameda County, California" filed
<br />February 1, 1928 in Book 7 of Maps at Page 55, in the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda
<br />County; thence West 3834.07 feet, more or less along the Southern line of the parcel of land
<br />described in the deed from Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association to Oakland
<br />Scavenger Company, dated June 11, 1948, recorded June 15, 1948, in Book 5529 of Official Records
<br />of Alameda County, Page 349, to the line of Alameda Basin, as said basin line is shown on Map No.
<br />1 of Salt Marsh and Tide Lands situate in the County of Alameda, State of California, a copy of said
<br />Map being on file in the Office of the State Lands Commission of the Department of Finance (formerly
<br />the Office of the Surveyor General) of the State of California; thence Southeasterly along said basin
<br />line to the Northern line of the Mulford Canal, as said canal is shown on the last mentioned Map;
<br />thence East along the last mentioned line to its intersection with the Western boundary line of the
<br />Rancho San Leandro; thence Northwesterly along the last mentioned line to the point of beginning.
<br />Parcel Two:
<br />Portion of Lots 15 and 16 in Section 4, Township 3 South, Range 3 West of the Mount Diablo Base
<br />and Meridian, and a portion of Lot 9, in Section 3, in said Township and Range, as said lots and
<br />Sections are shown on "Map No. 1 of Salt Marsh and Tidelands situate in the County of Alameda,
<br />State of California," copy of said map having been filed in the Office of the State Lands Commission
<br />of the Department of Finance (formerly the Office of the Surveyor General) of the State of California,
<br />and particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the centerline of West Avenue 132, formerly First Avenue,
<br />with the Rancho San Leandro Grant Line, distant on said centerline South 620 30' West, 306.94 feet
<br />from the centerline of Neptune Drive, formerly Bay Street, as said Grant Line, First Avenue and Bay
<br />Street are shown on that certain map entitled 'Mulford Gardens Addition, Alameda County,
<br />California," filed February 1, 1928, in Book 7 of Maps at Page 55, Records of Alameda County
<br />California; thence West 1000.00 feet along the Southern line of the parcel of land described in the
<br />deed from Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association to Oakland Scavenger Company,
<br />dated June 11, 1948 and recorded June 15, 1948 in Book 5529 at Page 349, Records of Alameda
<br />County, California, said line being parallel with the Southern line of said Lots 1.5, 16 and 9; thence on
<br />a direct line to the Northeast corner of said Lot 15, said corner being also the Northwest corner of
<br />said Lot 16; thence Easterly along the North line of said Lot 16 to its intersection with said grant line;
<br />thence Southeasterly along said grant line to the point of beginning, said grant line also being the
<br />Easterly line of said Lots 16 and 9.
<br />Assessors Parcel No: 079A-0475-009-04
<br />TRACT TWO:
<br />Commencing at Station 3, as shown on the State Lands Commission Map of the State Grant, Chapter
<br />1028 Statutes of 1955 recorded October 25, 1956 in Book 40 of Maps, Page 76, Alameda County
<br />Records, being an angle point on the City of San Leandro boundary line as established by Ordinance
<br />No. 976 N.S, and shown on the map entitled "Map Delineating Boundary of Territory Annexed to the
<br />City of San Leandro, California, by Ordinance No. 976 N.S. Under Annexation of Uninhabited
<br />City of San Leandro — Prop SF Non -Exclusive License Agreement Page 11 of 16
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