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EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FIRST RESPONDER ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AGREEMENT (7/1/2019) <br />In situations where the FRALS unit has responded to a location other than the Incident <br />Location (e.g. staging areas for hazardous materials/violent crime incidents, non - <br />secured scenes, or where rugged terrain precludes access), Arrival at Incident shall be <br />the time the FRALS arrives at the designated staging location or the nearest public <br />access point to the patient's location. <br />5.4 Performance Reporting Exemptions <br />a. City may request that a late response be excluded from the calculation of Performance <br />Reporting ("an Exemption"), if that call falls into one of the following categories: <br />• A declared Multi -Casualty Incident ("MCI") or disaster that the County EMS Director <br />determines has had a material impact on City's resources. <br />• There was a delay because information relayed by the Medical Dispatch Center was <br />substantially incorrect so as to prohibit timely arrival at the call. <br />b. Request for an Exemption must be in writing and received by the County EMS Director <br />within ten (10) calendar days following the end of the month in which the event <br />occurred. Performance Reporting Exemptions may be granted by the County on a per call <br />basis, following review and investigation by the County. Calls that are approved as an <br />Exemption shall not be included in the calculations for Performance Reporting. Such <br />requests must include all of the following: <br />• Detailed description of the circumstances causing the response delay <br />• Date and time of the occurrence <br />• Dispatch agency name <br />• Unit number <br />• Originating location of responding unit <br />• The request must include performance reports for the month in which the incident <br />occurred and written documentation supporting the request. <br />I to] 0 sibQ 1111 110iff—AW1 <br />6.1 5150 Response <br />a. City shall respond paramedic ALS level personnel to 5150 Calls dispatched as Priority 2. <br />1. If the patient does not require medical clearance at an emergency department, the <br />City may cancel the ALS ambulance and request through the appropriate dispatch <br />center that a BLS ambulance or County approved alternative transport resource <br />Page 5 of 24 <br />