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File Number: 19-481 <br />involved in consumer fraud. She also stated that JP Morgan Chase invests very heavily in <br />fossil fuels and therefore, Bank of the West would satisfy her criteria. <br />Deborah Hirsch stated that JP Morgan is the worst of the 3 banks that participated in the <br />RFP. Ms. Hirsch provided a report on the investments made by JP Morgan and that $196 <br />billion is in fossil fuel investment and they are the world’s worst bank in climate change. <br />Virginia Madson stated Wells Fargo has increased their investment in fossil fuels and <br />asked that the City not choose them . <br />Sarah Bailey stated Wells Fargo is not to be trusted . <br />Ms. Soto wants to live in City that recognizes the climate issue and is doing something <br />about it. <br />David Bardoff asked if services can be split across multiple banks; urges City not to <br />choose Wells Fargo. <br />Carol Bardoff stated that the RFP should be laid out like the new ethical investment policy <br />4. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />None <br />5. ADJOURN <br />The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/11/2019 <br />36