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<br /> <br />RFP No. 57818 – Design Services for a Treatment Wetland Page 6 of 43 <br /> <br />Phase II: Preliminary Design and Permitting <br /> <br />Task 3: Develop up to 30% Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) <br /> <br /> Develop design materials representing 30% project definition, consisting of grading <br />plans, landscape drawings, and design drawings, all created using appropriate digital <br />format. <br />o Grading Plans: The Consultant will develop grading plans showing plan and <br />profile of the proposed treatment wetland and embankments and detailed <br />construction sections. <br />o Landscape Drawings: The Consultant will prepare the re-vegetation plans for <br />selected areas within the Project site. Landscaping is expected to involve hand <br />planting of native species, to be developed with expert input. <br />o Design Drawings: A preliminary list of drawings will be prepared to illustrate the <br />basic scope and approach for final design. Drawings will be prepared in <br />AutoCAD following agreed upon drafting standards. Technical specifications will <br />be prepared in an agreed upon standard format. <br /> Reporting for 30% will include an outline of specifications and a preliminary bid <br />schedule. Each progress submittal will also include an updated engineer’s estimate of <br />likely quantities and costs and an estimated construction schedule. Cost estimates shall <br />meet Class 3, AACE International Classification System requirements for associated <br />accuracy. <br /> Provide design drafts for review and approval, representing 30% project definition, for <br />review at 50% and 80% completion. The Consultant will produce and conduct <br />presentations to review drafts with project proponents at which point stakeholder <br />consultation and feedback will be garnered. Drafts will be provided at least fourteen (14) <br />days prior to corresponding presentations (see Task 5). The project team will provide <br />feedback that the Consultant will incorporate into subsequent drafts and materials. <br /> The Consultant will produce completed design with corresponding visuals and present to <br />with project proponents, other stakeholders, and/or regulators, at up to two (2) meetings, <br />to inform next steps for the project. <br /> Provide task-specific status updates, accompanied with monthly invoices (Task 1). <br /> <br />Task 4: Permitting Support <br /> <br /> The City will lead development of a permitting strategy and identify required permits in <br />consultation with permitting agencies. The Consultant will provide technical support, <br />conduct surveys, and prepare special studies required to meet permitting requirements. <br /> Pending consultation with permitting agencies, the Consultant may be asked to prepare <br />one or more surveys, studies, or permit applications, as identified in the permitting <br />strategy: <br />Jurisdictional Delineation; Biological Assessment (combined for US Fish and Wildlife <br />Service and National Marine Fisheries Service); Cultural Resources Evaluation; US <br />Army Corps of Engineers 404 Application; Regional Water Quality Control Board 401 <br />Application, NPDES permit amendment, and supporting technical documents, including <br />but not limited to a Mixing Zone Study regarding designation of a new point of <br />192