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<br /> <br />RFP No. 57818 – Design Services for a Treatment Wetland Page 7 of 43 <br /> <br />discharge, consistent with the 2005 Policy for Implementation of Toxics Standards for <br />Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California; Bay Conservation <br />and Development Application; and CA Department of Fish and Wildlife 1602 and CESA <br />Application and supporting documents, including but not limited to vegetation and <br />wildlife surveys. <br />The Consultant should provide an indicative scope and cost for each of these studies or <br />permit applications, recognizing each may not be required. Refer to supporting <br />documents for initial discussion of opportunities and constraints pertaining to permitting <br />issues. <br /> Provide the City with technical support and review of CEQA documentation. The City <br />anticipates leading efforts to develop an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, <br />with support and review from the Consultant. <br /> Provide task-specific status updates, accompanied with monthly invoices (Task 1). <br />Phase II: 60% Design <br /> <br />Task 6: 60% PS&E <br /> <br /> The Consultant will revise the 30% Submittal to create a 60% Submittal. Reporting for <br />60% will include a revised outline of specifications and a preliminary bid schedule. Cost <br />estimates shall meet Class 2, AACE International Classification System requirements for <br />associated accuracy. <br /> Provide design drafts representing 60% project definition for review at 50%, 80%, and <br />95% completion. The Consultant will produce and conduct presentations to review drafts <br />with project proponents at which point stakeholder consultation and feedback will be <br />garnered. Drafts will be provided at least fourteen (14) days prior to corresponding <br />presentations. The project team will provide feedback that the Consultant will incorporate <br />into subsequent drafts and materials. <br /> The Consultant will produce completed design with corresponding visuals and present to <br />with project proponents, other stakeholders, and/or regulators, at up to two (2) meetings, <br />to inform next steps for the project. <br /> Provide task-specific status updates, accompanied with monthly invoices (Task 1). <br />Phase III: 100% Design, Permitting, Construction Support <br /> <br />Task 7: 100% PS&E <br /> <br /> The Consultant will revise the 60% Submittal to create Final Design Documents – <br />drawings, cost estimate, specifications, and bid schedule. Cost estimates will meet Class <br />1, AACE International Classification System requirements for associated accuracy <br /> Provide design drafts representing 30% project definition for review at 50%, 80%, and <br />95% completion. The Consultant will produce and conduct presentations to review drafts <br />with project proponents at which point stakeholder consultation and feedback will be <br />garnered. Drafts will be provided at least fourteen (14) days prior to corresponding <br />presentations. The project team will provide feedback that the Consultant will incorporate <br />into subsequent drafts and materials. <br />193